Home Dota 2

ComboCommand's workshop

Hello there, guys! First and foremost i must say that i started to learn 3d modeling about month ago. My final target was to create something for the dota 2 workshop, just for fun. And now, after bunch of tutorials and practice, i finished my first item. Here it is


Since i have so little experience i would like to get some tips from more experienced members of community. Should i keep going with dota 2 items or i should stick to teapots and spoons for now? :)

P.S.: Sorry for mistakes, English isn't my native language.


  • ranaraza
    Offline / Send Message
    ello there, guys! First and foremost i must say that i started to learn 3d modeling about month ago. My final target was to create something for the dota 2 workshop, just for fun. And now, after bunch of tutorials and practice, i finished my first item. Here it is
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