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Blender questions.

polycounter lvl 9
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jimpaw polycounter lvl 9

I have a bunch of questions i need help with.

1. When i use texture paint and paint fast the brush creates edges almost like
the painting engine cant keep up with the speed. I have changed the "input
samples" but if you go to high the brush gets unresponsive,if you stay low you
get edges. Is there any way around this?

2. Is there any way to cut select edges inside the uv editor??

3. I have a problem that sometimes when i press undo, Blender undo way to much
things. I think this happends sometime when i am in edit mode, and after i go
out in object mode, things dont work properly.

4. In what way is pie menus better in Blender 2.74? I think i read that you
actually didn't have to release the button when you got close to a selection
in order for the pie menu to jump to the second layer but that doesn't seem to
work for me?

5. I am looking for a function/script that will create a 90 degree bend from
selection. so for example imagine if i would select the end on a cylinder,
this script would extrude the selection and rotate it 90 degres.

6. Is there any way to center the crosshair in the world center and just turn
it off visually? I never use it just forces you to move two things instead of


Ohh my heart...

1. SyncSelection for me seems like a tool for destroying peoples life.why does
some tools work in one mode but not the other? If you can click on your 3d
model and see the face inside the uv editor clearly highlighted, why woudn't
you be able to highlight faces from the UV editor and clearly see them on the
3d model aswell? i mean its even the same data? ( activating SyncSelection,
does not count because then blender has decided to explode every face on your
model). Can anyone give me an example why you would need this function?
Also are there any work arounds for this?

2. Is it possible to create a pie menu that you can use inside the uv editor?

3. I am having a hard time understanding how the uv editor work in Blender,or
maybe its more of a general uv question. So here is the thing. If you mark a
seam in the 3d view you should be able to see it inside the uv editor, but
how? I also dont understand why you cant rip faces inside the uv editor
(which means that the uv has seams or at least double vertecies) and then
Blender doesnt display those in the 3d view OR the uv editor?

4. Sometimes you place many identical islands on top of each other inside the
uv editor to save texture space, is there any way that you can lock theese so
when you use the "ctrl + p" blender doesnt place all islands next to one
another instead of respecting the islands that are stacked on top of each

5. Is there any way to cut select edges inside the uv editor?

Okay now my bitter rant is over. :poly122:


  • ProperSquid
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    ProperSquid polycounter lvl 12
    1. I did a quick test with the monkey head subdivided 5 times, and asides from when you first press down to stroke, I haven't found the paint to be that slow. You can speed it up with turning on VBOs, and I think there's a few other ways that you can speed it up, but I can't remember it off the top of my head. Sorry. :(
    2. Doesn't look like it.
    3. Blender stores the undo per context. If you are doing stuff in edit mode, jump out into object modeand hit undo, it'll undo everything between you jumping into edit mode and jumping back out. I think there's talks about changing this.
    4. I haven't played around with pie menus that much, so I can't give you a clear answer.
    5. In edit mode, select the point you want to rotate around with the 3d cursor (you can select a vertex, and hit shift + s to snap the cursor to selected. Then, change your camera view to the plane you want to rotate on, and hit spin in the Tools tab, or hit alt + r.
    6. Shift + c to re-center the 3d cursor, and I don't think you can make the cursor invisible. But trust me, start playing around with it and you'll realize that it is a super powerful tool.

    1. The problem with the sync selection is that it is treating the UV view as just a different view of the 3d mesh. So, trying to select just an island won't work, because the verticies are shared between islands.
    2. I think so. It is scripted in Python, so I wouldn't be surprised if it is exposed for all of the editors, but no tools have been made.
    3. This is where sync selection is most useful. As for ripping the UVs, I think Blender's workflow is having most of the ripping done inside of the 3d space. But, you can turn off the Sticky Selection Mode by clickong on the button with the box and 3 dots beside the vert/edge/face/island selection buttons in the UV editor. You'll have to be careful, because it can become messy really quickly.
    4. I don't think so, sorry. :(
    5. Aside from what I have said before, don't think so.
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for all the answers!
  • Ashaman73
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    Ashaman73 polycounter lvl 6
    Here's a workflow I use to unwrap a model in blender, maybe it holds some useful information for you:

    First off, I subdivide the model into islands using the seams. I check islands by going into facemode (alt-tab-3), then move over a face and press L to select an island. If you select more than expected, then you need to check the seams.

    At this point use the hide-function to hide edges to break loops. Ie. you want to mark only a part of a loop (alt-right_mouse_button), hide the edges at the start/end of the loop you don't want to include. It is much faster then clicking on individual edges.

    Once all islands has been created, I check the unwrapped version of each island. In face-model unselect all (press A), then choose a island (press L) and unwrap it. Here it is often useful to add more seams to get a clearer unwrapping.

    Next I take several islands which I like to group togeter and unwrap them. Then in the uv-editor I select all and scale it to ~0.5 size and move it out of the texture area. This way I process all island groups (eventually all island groups are ordered outside of the texture area. Use the L key in the uv-tool to select islands and shift-L to select/deselct single islands. This is quite useful if you select an area (ctrl-b), then use shift-L to deselect island parts you don't wanted to include.

    Then I select all and try to arrange all island groups on the texture, considering the texture densitiy (head get more space, feet less etc.), use relax tool in uv (ctrl-v) etc. for the final arrangement.
  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    I think cutting UVs in the UV editor has been on the list of simple tasks for new developers for a long time now... maybe it is not actually so simple because no one seems to be able to get it done. Maybe I'll take a crack at it once I have the flatten faces operator under code review.
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    Ashaman73 wrote: »
    Here's a workflow I use to unwrap a model in blender, maybe it holds some useful information for you:

    First off, I subdivide the model into islands using the seams. I check islands by going into facemode (alt-tab-3), then move over a face and press L to select an island. If you select more than expected, then you need to check the seams.

    At this point use the hide-function to hide edges to break loops. Ie. you want to mark only a part of a loop (alt-right_mouse_button), hide the edges at the start/end of the loop you don't want to include. It is much faster then clicking on individual edges.

    Once all islands has been created, I check the unwrapped version of each island. In face-model unselect all (press A), then choose a island (press L) and unwrap it. Here it is often useful to add more seams to get a clearer unwrapping.

    Next I take several islands which I like to group togeter and unwrap them. Then in the uv-editor I select all and scale it to ~0.5 size and move it out of the texture area. This way I process all island groups (eventually all island groups are ordered outside of the texture area. Use the L key in the uv-tool to select islands and shift-L to select/deselct single islands. This is quite useful if you select an area (ctrl-b), then use shift-L to deselect island parts you don't wanted to include.

    Then I select all and try to arrange all island groups on the texture, considering the texture densitiy (head get more space, feet less etc.), use relax tool in uv (ctrl-v) etc. for the final arrangement.

    Thanks for the answer. I can tell you that this workflow would never work for me i generally make low-poly building with a lot of hard edges. You can imagine how many cuts there would be on each beam etc. I do a combination of selected edges marking seams and selecting faces and unwrap them right away. But there will always be times when you want to stitch things together in the uv editor its just the way the workflow goes. I will create a pie menu for the different select modes and assign it to my right mouse button (i select with my left one) and i guess i need to do another pie to switch between the "keep sync" mode and add all the tools there. I found it flabbergasting that Blender uv tools still works this bad. Also the relax tool you talked about is works if you do characters and organic things, but for me is useless, yes you can relax the middle verts on an island if you select "lock border" but whats the point with that? I would like relax to work like a tool in UV Headus does (not sure if its called relax there though) It relaxes the selected faces as much as possible until there is no stretch left on it,the same as unwrap just small morphing steps.

    Anyway thanks for trying to help!
  • jimpaw
    Offline / Send Message
    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    I think cutting UVs in the UV editor has been on the list of simple tasks for new developers for a long time now... maybe it is not actually so simple because no one seems to be able to get it done. Maybe I'll take a crack at it once I have the flatten faces operator under code review.

    I think you are right, it seems to me this would be the first thing people would fix. I understand that Blender has its own way of doing things but there is no way in hell anyone can claim that not showing what is selected on all parts (uv editor + 3d view at the same time) would make the Uv editor much more
    user friendly.

    What is the flatten faces operator you are working on?

    "Maybe I'll take a crack at it once I have the flatten faces operator under code "review.

    That would be so great! here are a couple of things that could make the uv editor much better.

    1. When you select a seam/face/vert. the uv editor + the 3d view will always show what is selected.

    2. you should always be able to see all the uv inside the uv editor even the faces that are not selected (as grey soft lines) and then the highlighted faces gets highlighted inside the uv editor as well. It really should be enough to
    enter edit mode to see all the uv.

    3. When you select faces in the 3D view and press "u" you should always be able to see seams around the cut out faces right away. (why havent this been fixed yet when the "make seams from islands" is already there ?)

    4. when you display seams in the 3d view that black line from "edges" in the "n" panel gets seen trought so the red seam color a bit. it should be more intense red but the lines should also be bigger and cover that black line completely. also the "seams" display option doesn't work if the "edges" are turned off?

    5. Take away the "keep uv sync mode" use one mode instead and if you only want to see the selected faces use a checkbox for that just like like the one for stretch. (since you will always be able to see the grey lines and they are low contrast this shouldn't really matter anyway). Its completely insane to to not have "islands" in one mode but not the other, but even worse to make all faces unattached to one another just to be able to see whats selected.

    6. As far as i can see all sticky tools seems to be there to compensate compensate for Blenders odd way to link the 3d view to the uv editor. If you select an edge and cut it inside the uv editor why woudnt blender just put all the verts on the same possition as Maya do, i seriously don't understand what the problem is?

    7. make a simple checkbox or button/shortcut to display shared verts inside the uv editor and in the 3d view, just as stretch. i understand that some people would like to see this connections sometimes but to actually move them at different location at the same time,when was the last one anyone did that?
    Or am i missing something here?

    8. The "e" button in the uv editor should be moved to "u" instead.

    9. Some small toolbar should be added with graphic buttons for: cut edges,sew edges,rip selected faces. display seams,display uv island edges.

    10. assign the standard arrow keys for flipping the uv:s.

    11. Also why have not anyone released a big pie menu for the uv editor?

    Anyway, i might be completely confused but i honestly feel like Blender has just created extra tool for no reason that just complicates the uv editor.

    Thanks for the feedback man!
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