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New Graphics Card GTX 460 -thoughts on graphics cards?

polycounter lvl 10
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oskarkeo polycounter lvl 10

I got myself a new GTX 960* graphics card last week, as the 'scouting mission' towards my first new computer in 5 years (which arrives tomorrow :D).

During my research, I noticed a lot of favour on Polycount (and other gaming/vfx communities) for the latter GTX970s, 80s and 90s.

As the prices scaled up, I picked the price point i wanted and am really happy with my choice, but was left wondering what where i'd see that extra uumph had i shelled out more. so I was hoping someone would care to chime in answer to some of the following:

  • do you folks use the later series GTX cards?
  • if so why?
  • is it for gaming or for work that you pay the extra money?
  • and where with pro apps do you see the difference mostly?
    • does photoshop go faster?
    • does xnormal bake faster?
    • can you sculpt quicker?
  • In a game engine does it make things run smoother, let you run heavier scenes or just make everything look nicer and more fps?
As i leave it as long as poss, everything just seems supercharged when i upgrade, but i'm curious where its' helping across all my software, leisure and creative.

and apologies to the ati users, I haven't the beginnings of a clue as to what's going on on your side of town, but I'd be interested to know what your money buys you nonetheless.

*edited from erronous data origianlly listed.


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