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ArenaNet Character Art Test

polycounter lvl 7
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mtlra polycounter lvl 7
Hi Guys! For my first thread on polycount, I am posting the character art test that I've submitted for the ArenaNet.

Any critiques are welcome!

Original concept here (by Kekai Kotaki)






  • TDoonan
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    Overall i think it looks really good. The weakest point to me is the fur. Don't let that discourage you though because i think this is really good. Very close to the concept art.
  • CarlK3D
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    CarlK3D polycounter lvl 7
    I agree with TDoonan. To begin with everything looked great to me but once he mentioned the fur I had a relook. The fur at the base of the skirt is clearly lower res then that rest of the character so it does stand out a bit. Overall I really like it
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    This is pretty solid. Her face could have been more feminine and her body looks rather masculine but I suppose it matches the concept rather well. I think you could have mirrored her whole body and her face from the looks of it.
  • mtlra
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    mtlra polycounter lvl 7
    TDoonan and Carl - Thank you guys for the feedback! I should've given more texture space to the fur! :poly122:
  • mtlra
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    mtlra polycounter lvl 7
    Slosh - Thanks for the feedback Satoshi! The head and front chest area aren't exactly symmetrical, but now that you've mentioned it I realized I could have mirrored the back portion of the character to save more texture space :polytwitch:
  • mtlra
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    mtlra polycounter lvl 7
    dustinbrown- Thank you so much Dustin for the detailed feedback! I've studied your critiques carefully, definitely will pay more attention to the silhouette and curvature of each part on a character from now on. :)
  • Jozzy
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    Jozzy polycounter lvl 8
    dang, i cannot have done better myself. I agree with another person saying you have some noise in armor chest. The scaling could be bigger there. The forearm armor could have been more "spike" feeling if you are trying to get close to the concept art. Overall, i think you did real good job. Not much to add from what other people mentioned above. :) Good luck!
  • mtlra
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    mtlra polycounter lvl 7
    Jozzy - Thanks for the feedback! If I were to make this model over again I would definitely make the chest armor piece more protruded (more like a separate piece from the body), I suppose if I were to make this armor for in-game then the chest armor piece would have to be a separate geometry from the body). I got want you mean by the "spike" feeling :) , there are quite a few pieces on the model that should be at a more sharper angle.
  • carlobarley
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    carlobarley polycounter lvl 9
    solid piece grats on finishing :) think face could be pushed further, variations in spec map as well could be pushed further, like little or no spec where dust and dirt occurs such as in the recessed areas, which i think you have, you could also have slightly lower spec on lower portions of the model with bottom areas of body having lower variation in spec but as it goes up spec goes higher. you can also emphasize on the spec on scratches too, but really solid! good luck with job
  • mtlra
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    mtlra polycounter lvl 7
    carlobarley - Thanks for the feedback! I definitely should've pushed the spec variation further, especially if the game character size is small on the screen. Thanks for sharing the tip on variation of spec , more contrast of spec can draw more attention to the upper body, I'll keep this in mind :)
  • DoctorDex
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    Excellent work! Did you end up scoring the position? You totally deserve it!
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