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Arena Net Contest

polycounter lvl 4
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ooyoo polycounter lvl 4
i saw a few other entries on polycount so i thought i would join in on all the fun!!
this is my entry for this years Arena Net Contest, was very anxious to get this started but here is my current progress




cheers everyone


  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Looks pretty good...what does her face look like?
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    I think she's currently blindfolded. Well, they said they wouldn't judge the character itself, unless it's plain wrong and ugly...
  • ooyoo
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    ooyoo polycounter lvl 4
    @slosh thank you!! and here is her face with and without the blindfold
    in the concept her eye area is black so this year i decided to make her have blindfolds on, mainly due to the guild wars expansion coming out >.> i hope anet doesnt mind...

    @pyrzern yea im really hoping that the anet artists dont mind *fingers crossed* are you doing the contest year by the way?
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    I'm still working on my Comicon entry. So I'm afraid I won't be able to make it for arenaNet.

    I think your entry already looks better than my last year attempt.
  • ooyoo
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    ooyoo polycounter lvl 4
    Aww darn... yea i was trying to decide if I should do the comicon or the arena net and went with this but good luck to you!! and thank you! i hope itll be good enough XD
  • ooyoo
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    ooyoo polycounter lvl 4
    heres an update from before, still not quite done yet but hoping to finish by this week, thank you to all the feedback from gdc and the polycount meetup!! it was awesomeeeee

    i would love and greatly appreciate any and all comments and critiques




    the last image is just... for fun, i really hope shiro is a hero for the revenant in the gw2 expac
  • TylerSorg
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    TylerSorg polycounter lvl 4
    Like most of the liberties you have taken, I would def work on UV space usage, Like you I overlap as much as possible and break sym at important locations, In your case possibly keeping the face all together, seeing how the face wasn't important.. maybe not lol. Some of the proportions are a little off from a quick look, but still good over all. Once the armor starts getting put on it changes things a bit I noticed. Helmet beinga big area for me. I think the fur is fine but for my taste its a little to uniformed and symmetrical. Breaking that up would look more real. And the metal or whatever it is around the neck just above the cloth (the trim stuff) is a little confusing on the model.. as in I can't look at it and directly go.. yea its this.. or yea it makes sense. Over all I think this is done well. Good job. Keep up the good work.
  • ooyoo
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    ooyoo polycounter lvl 4
    Hey Tyler, Thanks for the feedback!! yea i still have a lot to learn and fix @.@ and yea like you mentioned with the neck trim... thing... haha, yea im having a pretty hard time with material definition... i thought i was going in the right direction but guess not X.X guess time for more studies!!!
  • Alemja
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    Alemja hero character
    Since you asked here is some feedback that could help with the material definition.

    It looks like you need to accent the edges of the armor more, in both the spec and the diffuse. A lot of the edges and corners should be getting close to white. The spec for the metal looks like it should also be pushed more, it's currently way too dark.

    Your glossiness looks very uniform across the model, making it look like plastic. I'm not sure what renderer you are using but one way to get around the glossiness issue is to use your spec map as your gloss, since gloss maps are not part of the given specs. It's a little hacky, but it helps get around that limitation. If pieces are mostly separate you can also modify the glossiness values by material, with metals being very glossy, skin and cloth being less so.

    The metal could also use some more variation in the diffuse, it's a little hard to tell because of the size of the maps but right now they look very flat. Even small amounts of noise, color variation, small scratches can greatly help it read as metal.

    The fur could use some gradients to give it some fullness as it's looking very flat, almost untextured. Since you have tris to spare, I would also use the extra tris to give the fur some more volume, it's could especially use it on the back and on the skirt.

    The skin could use some more love, the AO on it seems like it's getting a little muddy and going too brown when it should probably have a little more saturation and red to the darker areas. Tattoos also have a slight transparency to them as the ink is under the skin, right now it looks like yours has opaque paint on top of the skin.

    Overall I think you could use a little bit more global lighting as everything is reading a little flat in the diffuse. If you can rendering out some AO will help as opposed to painting it out manually. If you set up AO bakes with half a sphere instead of a plane as the floor you can get a nice gradient where it is lighter on top and darker on the bottom. You can also do a top-down gradient and apply it to your model similarly to how LoL or Dota characters are done and apply it to your existing textures and it can help with the lighting as well. Here are a couple of ways to do that: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=101248

    I hope this helps! Good luck!
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    The furs on her back bug me a bit... You could afford more tris there if you want to.
  • ooyoo
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    ooyoo polycounter lvl 4
    Alemja WOW, thank you so much for the in depth feedback!!! and thank you for all the hacks and tricks that you mentioned XD i will def be using it haha, i will def get back to work fixing this

    PyrZern i totally agree with you, yea since i still have like... 160 tris left over i can use, ill put those to use on the fur, i wasnt quite sure if i should or not but ok i will!!
  • ooyoo
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    ooyoo polycounter lvl 4
    heres an update, i hope im heading in a somewhat correct direction and i hope im using all the feed back everyone has given correctly, still have yet to do the top down gradient, will work on baking that out tomorrow

  • Alemja
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    Alemja hero character
    Already it's looking much better! Since I'm noticing metal being a big problem area, I did some paint overs, the ideas could also be applied to other areas as well.

    NOTE: I tried to painted these as if they where 100% lit, similarly to how you would paint them on a texture sheet, external lighting is not considered.

  • ooyoo
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    ooyoo polycounter lvl 4
    thank you again alemja for the additional feedback!! i will do my best to apply everything you've mentioned
  • ooyoo
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    ooyoo polycounter lvl 4
    i am calling this done! thank you for all the feedback =D was really helpful, i learned quite a lot from this and hopefully the next model will turn out better =)


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