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GhostChili's Improvement Thread

Hello, I'm Ghostchili.

Welcome to my improvement thread. I'm focusing on character modeling and sculpting. Crits and critiques welcome. Thank you. :)



  • GhostChili
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    working working, blocking in leg anatomy/ rhythms.

    Edit: I don't want to post too much, so I'll update after work. I don't want to annoy anyone willing to graciously look at my work and consider giving feedback.

  • GhostChili
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    End of the day (at work) checkpoint. I reworked the leg a bit, and I'm moving onto the ankle / foot. I made a base mesh for the foot of which I'll sculpt separately and combine/dynamesh it to the body.

    I should be able to get to the arms tonight, hopefully... Thanks for checking out my work, and as always if you have any suggestions for improvement, please tell me, I'm hungry for knowledge!

  • GhostChili
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    I'm continuing to work on the human male figure, I got a little distracted with a fun little sketch. Going to continue to update this weekend.

  • GhostChili
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    Ugh, ok... I'm goofin hard. I spent more time on the sculpt but I haven't finished it as soon as I wanted. For now, here's a distraction poly paint portrait of myself. Now with 100% less hair! I actually need help with the hair, I'm unsure how to go about it.

  • GhostChili
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    I finished the anatomy study. I learned a lot from this. Mostly, I learned what I DIDN'T know, which man... is a lot. I'm going to start memorizing muscle groups, it's unavoidable.
    Does anyone have any tips for studying anatomy?


    I'm going to move onto two more fun projects, for every two fun things I do, I'll do one important study piece.


    I'll be working from this concept, it's from Subterra. This particular piece is from Max Gon, whose work I totally fell in love with when I saw it. If you have a chance check out his stuff! I started on the base mesh of the lil guy "knot nut". I'll upload it when I get home.
  • nickcomeau
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    nickcomeau polycounter lvl 4
    So a couple of anatomical critiques I see.

    As for the back, the teres major and infraspinatus fascia are supposed to run down the body not across. Also your lats should go a bit farther towards the front of the body, over the serratus anterior. Then on the front, your obliques and abdominal run a bit low and curve out around the V of the pelvis when they should curve inwards.

    On the arms, the tricep shape is off, you should re-examine how that works as well it's hard to put into words exactly. Then for the legs, the vastus lateralus head ends a bit higher than the vastus medialus does and right now you have it that they are just about even so it is making your leg around the knee look a bit off. And I'm not sure exactly what those dimples above the butt are supposed to be? Also the heels of the feet are a bit wide.

    Lastly, you want this character to be in a relaxed position not an active one so that you can study muscle placement first. I would suggest lowering the arms a bit and not having them as far outstretched forward.

    Great start on this though! I would suggest to you an app that my teacher Jacque Choi suggested to me called L'Ecorche. It costs a few dollars on the iOS appstore but is totally worth it. I would use the Scott Eaton colored model to study the muscle groups and directions! It's wicked helpful :)
  • GhostChili
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    Thank you so much, Nickcomeau, for taking the time to review my work and critique it. I attempted to address some of the issues that you noted. (The heels are adjusted, just not indicated by a "<") And I really appreciate you suggesting L'Ecorche, it looks amazing! Hopefully they have a Droid version @ _ @;;

    There's still so much that can be improved with this particular model. And in the future when doing a study like this, I'll initiate it as relaxed pose.

    For now it's evident that I need to start investing in creating a mental anatomical road map, this means.... Time to hit the books!


    PS I totally see what you mean about trying to put the Tricep into words. Muscle snuggy, or flesh parka came to mind O_o...
  • GhostChili
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    Here's the Subterra Character start, concept by Max Gon. Knot Nut.

  • GhostChili
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    At what point should I consider starting my low poly base mesh for projection and final detail.

    I'm having a bit of trouble determining when exactly I should stop establishing the form/silhouette. I'm new to character workflow, and if I could get some ideas of the general pipeline / workflow, it would be a major help. I want to start becoming more efficient with my approach. Can anyone help out with this? Direction/ sources?
  • GhostChili
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    Slammed with an art test.
    Perl before swine.


  • GhostChili
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    Here's a work in progress of what I'm working on.

  • GhostChili
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    I hopped off my own personal concept and decided to work on projects that have concepts already done for them. I was spending too much time on design and not improving my ability to finish models. Here's what I'm working on now. C&C welcome.

  • GhostChili
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    An update to the frog archer

    Also... mundo Wip

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