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Rigging internship without Python?

I'm sorry to ask this, but there seem to be a lot of people with jobs here. Basically what I'd like advice on is based on this question:

As and aspiring rigger, am I basically not even in the running for internships and jobs if I do not know any python or coding outside of what can be build from plug and play nodes in Maya?

I can build fully functional rigs for characters, but I know nothing of automating the process or generating tools or scripts. I'm just know beginning to learn coding and I think I have a decent knack for it, but there's no way I'll be competent in a few weeks, when many internship deadline are due.

Do I even bother applying or should I just keep my nose on the grindstone?


  • Eric Chadwick
    Offline / Send Message
    Hellfoot, I moved your post out of the Job Census. This should be its own thread.

    For internships, usually companies are not looking for complete skillsets, they're looking for raw talent, someone that looks like they have the potential to grow into a paid position. It's a great way to cull the best talent out of the school population.

    However, there are also situations where a company just needs a body to fill a seat and get some grunt work done. This was the case at one place I worked a couple years ago. We had game design interns come in to help complete a massive amount of semi-tedious level population work.

    Best thing would be to post a link to your portfolio, showing examples of your work, so we can figure out if you're presenting yourself well or not.

    Also I'd recommend digging around in the rigging forum over at Tech-Artists.org, and maybe posting a query there.

    They have some good stuff on their wiki about rigging (not really about internship requirements, but it's useful nonetheless)
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