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Is Tablets are Must to make a Concept art?

Hey guys Gotta question.I currently learning maya but i also interested in photoshop.I am learning from DT so i can Learn photoshop there too but when i go through their courses of making different stuffs in Photoshop the tutor draws like He is doing it in a real pencil and i think he uses a tablet.so if i want to make my own concept arts do i need a tablet or can i use my mouse?


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    If you want an easier time doing so, yes.

    It's not impossible, but it's a path not often walked.
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    Yes you need a tablet
  • Joltya
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    Joltya polycounter lvl 10
    Yes, it's extremely hard to much of any type of illustration without a tablet. I have never heard of anyone using a mouse to do concepts.
  • KeirKieran
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    KeirKieran polycounter lvl 3
    You can do a lot in photoshop with just a mouse, but concept art isn't one of them. Get a tablet.

    Wacom has some really affordable tablets that work fine. Don't think you need the $400 beasties. Their cheap tablets are great and will be an excellent investment in your learning.
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    Get something like a bamboo if you're just starting out and are on a low budget. I think Wacom renamed them to the "intuos pen" now though. (About $80) They do take a little while to get used to (the whole, not looking at your hand while drawing/less of a physical connection to what you're doing), but after a few weeks (+-) you should start feeling comfortable with them. Tablets are great not only because of the whole drawing like you would normally draw part (also.. speed), but also because of the pressure sensitivity. IE you can make your strokes darker or lighter, thinner or heavier, etc. in the same stroke which isn't really possible with a mouse.

    I used to have the intuos 4 until it broke the weekend before my senior project was due so I ended up running out and buying a bamboo at the nearest store and have used it for about two years since.

    Honestly you can do a lot with the cheaper models. Although my mouth still waters at the thought of having a cintiq (someday :) )

    Beware the USB ports with tablets though, they may be fragile. The USB ports seemed flimsy on everyone I bought from Wacom so far (it was the two usb ports that broke on my intuos 4 after 3 years).
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    Also look into some of the budget-models from manufacturers like MonoPrice and Yiynova. You get about 80%-ish of the capability for less than half the price. For a starter, it's not a bad option.
  • DireWolf
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    There is no longer Bamboo btw. Bamboo is now Intuos. The old Intuos is now Intuos Pro. I just found out when my Intuos 2 broke last month. Confusing but that's that :D

    I got myself an Intuos Creative Pen for $100 I think. A bit small but good enough for texture work at home.
  • TomGT
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    TomGT polycounter
    Get one, I can't imagine a digital illustrator not using a tablet. Unless you are a mouse clicking prodigy lol.
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    Yes. Concept art is as much about speed and ideas as it is about drawing/painting/photo-comping skills. Working without a tablet is one more hindrance you don't need.
  • vskdharmasena
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    Ok thanks guys I'll look Into it :)
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Monoprice sells decent tablets for 1/4th the price of a wacom. I had one for years and although I like my wacom better, the mono price one functions nearly identical for 90% of stuff. And the drivers aren't 1/10th as bad as wacom drivers, basically foolproof. There are other brands as well.
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    huion h610 pro is great if you don't mind the shitty drivers.
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    A regular beginners Intuos vs a Monoprice, I'd go Monoprice. They're cheap as hell and the drivers are stable (in my limited experience). Medium Intuos pros or Intuos 4s are boss, but they're also not priced for beginners.

    Just make sure you read the reviews before buying something not wacom haha.
  • ahtiandr
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    ahtiandr polycounter lvl 12
    lets put it this way: is it possible to walk on the cold winter street without shoes ?
  • WarrenM
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    Tablets are the way I think everyone should work ... artists, anyway. I basically use my tablet for everything. Even File Explorer ... it's SO much easier on my wrist/shoulder. It's basically pain free.
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