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The Best non expensive Training Provider for CG stuffs

Hey guys i am a noob in CG world and have a hope to proceed a Job in the 3D film or game industry someday at least a freelancer.I am currently learning maya from Digital tutors and it seems ok.since i have only 3 years until my Student version runs out so i need to at least know 50% of the workflows to start working.from what i see :)

but i see there is other training providers like lynda,untiy,udemy also..DT is not bad cuz it won't empty my pocket so is there any other Good traning providers to learn Maya?
I would try to learn alone like i did with AE but i really can't cuz of the lack of tutorials in the youtube :(

oh and also Is certificates are MUST HAVE To get a job in the industry or at least work as a freelancer?
thanks :)


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