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Refinement and Critique

I am looking for constructive critique for the following models. All of the models I am not worried about polycount, but am simply trying to get them as realistic as possible. Models were either made in zBrush or Maya 2014.


  • RailbladerX
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    RailbladerX polycounter lvl 8
    First I'll say this is a great start! But now that you have gotten a taste for this sort of thing; You know need to go back to the very beginning, and study correct anatomy shapes and form.

    Your skeleton has the shapes that clearly resembles a skeleton. But it is obviously very off. If you are going for a more correct skeleton, I suggest looking up proper anatomically correct skeleton heads, and bones. My advice is to do what we all do. Go as far as you can; finish it, evaluate on what needs fixing, and then throw it away, and start again fresh.

    Just study those shapes. I bought an anatomically correct real-life skeleton scan model for around 100 bucks. Worth every penny. You can also go download for 10$ some really nice CG skulls online.

    Unfortunately I cant give you anymore feedback, because learning proper anatomy is kinda like learning to stick shift, noone can really show you, you just need to learn as you go. Its one of those things that you just need to know you are doing it wrong by simply looking at it, because it is pretty obvious when it is wrong. :\

    So my final "say" will be "practice, practice, practice"! if it doesn't look like the real thing you are doing it wrong. Good Luck! :)
  • WenKrogg
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