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Portfolio slowly getting better. Wadda ya think?

polycounter lvl 5
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lukazguzman polycounter lvl 5
Hi! My name is Lucas Guzman, and I've been working as a 3D modeller for longer than 10 years, and moved into the gaming industry about 2-3 years ago.
I posted my portfolio some time ago here... Comments were a bit harsh, which I totally get, but it took me a while to man up again, fixes the details and post it again, so take a look and shot me your best critique! :poly127:


And here is a bit of what I have done!:





And what was I doing during those other 8 years before starting to work for games you ask! Well, here is my portfolio for general 3D work. Come take a look if you like!

IMPORTANT: Any comments also on what else is my GAMING portfolio (furiouspoly.com) missing if for example, you are a recruiter for some game company and you consider hiring me as a 3D artist, but then you go like "meh.. he is missing {that cool thing}"...

Thank you so much for your time and looking forward to hearing from you guys!
Lucas Guzman


  • Francois_K
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    Francois_K interpolator

    The twitch model is great but the presentation is very lackluster in my opinion. It's a fuzzy background with a shadow and that presentaiton is spread over your other characters as well.

    Look at some presentations people had from the Riot contest , some of them are really dope

    Also , just my personaly opinion. Take out the robot and make the elf ( or what is it ) into a low-poly and texture it.
  • lukazguzman
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    lukazguzman polycounter lvl 5
    I think I know what you mean! Thanks, for the input! I'll work a bit more on those pieces with the flat grungy background.
    But I wonder if you did take a look at my site, because that girl (the elf you mentioned) was made into a low poly model! :)
    Here is the link:

    And I was wonrdering if someone could please please give me some feedback on my resume... I get some people's advice on how to improve my portfolio pieces, but the only time I got input on my resume was from a HR friend from Nike :p hehe, so he gave his opinion based on his company, but I would like to hear from you guys! Here is the link:

    My resume

    Thanks again!
  • lukazguzman
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    lukazguzman polycounter lvl 5
    As part of my improvement, here is another image describing what I've been trying to do to improve!

    It went through 2 revisions, on the left is the very first image I posted on the Polycount forums and on my site, in the middle is one I tried to make better, but still people were unhappy, and then to the right is the latest I have online now, which I think works very well!

    Needless is to say that every time I posted these, I thought they perfect! And then went through a phase of denial, and finally decided that yeah, I need to keep improving and trying new things! :)

  • JamesArk
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    JamesArk polycounter lvl 10
    And I was wonrdering if someone could please please give me some feedback on my resume... I get some people's advice on how to improve my portfolio pieces, but the only time I got input on my resume was from a HR friend from Nike :p hehe, so he gave his opinion based on his company, but I would like to hear from you guys! Here is the link:

    My resume

    Thanks again!

    Going to take a shot, you've already made it nice and simple, and it avoids a lot of the typical pitfalls, but these are some things that stand out to me. So, for the first section:

    "These are my works done for the gaming industry in the last 2 years.
    My skills are concept art, illustration, 3D modelling, 3D printing, animation and even coding."

    The first line seems unnecessary as the site is already pretty self explanatory about being game art, and I don't think you need to/should give a timeline on the work in your portfolio.

    You should probably narrow what skills you list down to what you're trying to get into. The site seems pretty 3D character/prop art focused, so the 2D stuff/animation/coding could certainly go as it seems like you're not really sure what you're pursuing so you list everything possible. If you do keep it and are trying to do other stuff in addition to 3D, for sure take out the 'even' before coding, as it makes you seem not confident about your coding.

    For employment history, there's a few minor punctuation/presentation issues. Your first line is,

    "- Rendering and prototyping of furniture and interior designs (small and big spaces) for ESQO Living
    and Robin Sluijzer Studio, 2011 – 2014."

    Which starts as a bullet point with a "-" and ends with a period, but the lines directly below it don't end with a period, and lines in other sections don't start with hyphens. This is a little thing, but making everything uniform is always better, so pick one style of listing your duties and consistently use that.

    There's also some issues with present/past tense. For example, you "worked" on an undisclosed Nintendo title but your first thing listed, "rendering and prototyping" is written in the present. Also, your Art Director position is written in the first person as a full sentence, starting with "My", but no other bullet point does this. So again, just a consistency thing that would bring everything together a little better.

    For the 'Education' section, I was told to take education dates off of resumes, at least for the game industry. It can make your education look outdated and also indirectly references your age, which can (sub)consciously be used to discriminate against you.

    Your personal skills say you're experienced in "Lightning", which is fucking cool if true, but seems to be the wrong word unless you're applying to be Zeus :) The personal skills section also has the same formatting/consistency issues as the employment history section.

    "- Basic Anatomy understanding" should either be taken off if you don't feel confident in your anatomy, or take 'basic' away for the same reasons as removing 'even' from before your line about coding that I mentioned previously.

    For 'Digital Tools' you should put a space before 'Illustrator' to separate it from the comma, remove the period after '(AS3)', and Marmoset Toolbar should be Marmoset Toolbag.

    Hope this helps, I am not an editor or writer by any stretch of the imagination so hopefully this wasn't me spouting a bunch of bullshit and flailing my arms. :thumbup:
  • oskarkeo
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    oskarkeo polycounter lvl 10
    Just my own opinions Regarding your Resume:

    Lose the gradient:
    • HR won't want to waste ink printing a color page in case of interview.
    • The colour is not very appealing
    • The gradient looks ugly
    Your name looks like its a bit high on the page, i'd move this down to make it 'printer safe'- there's room to do this.

    All info looks very bunched in together, can't seem to find any relevant info that stands out. I'd use a more traditional typeface for the body text.
    Leave a blank line between each job. You have room at the bottom so use it.
    Each job is written in a different format. keep these consistent.

    Start with skills:
    any recruiter that reads your cv will first wonder what you do, not where you worked. Especially true if your previous experience is a different field than the one your'e applying for.

    Focus on what you want the employer to see first:
    Your cv currently doesn't mention modeling until the very end of the 4th line of your freelance listing. modelling should be the first thing that stands out.

    Clarify job titles:
    would you not rename 'visuals specialist' '3D visualisation designer' or something like that? to clarify what kind of work you have been doing.

    Spelling and misc:

    Proactive isn't a skill, so shouldn't be listed in there.
    Marmoset "Toolbag"
    "AdObe Flash"
  • lukazguzman
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    lukazguzman polycounter lvl 5
    Guys! I can't thank you enough! It's so good that you took the time to go through my text and point out all the details. Great advice as well!

    I took the time to go through it and correct everything. As a non English native, I gotta say thanks for the corrections on grammar and spelling, kind of embarrassing :p

    Once again, thanks!
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