Decided to join in on this, should be fun

I've seen a couple of cathedral-esque entries after trawling through the threads but looking to go for a bit of a Sci-fi twist on mine, so hoping its not too similar to anyone else!
Substance Designer
Will be posting up ref, blockouts and concepts soon


(although I'm not going to go too heavy on the damage)
God Ref
UE4 Quick primitive Blockout
Maya Shape Greybox
Starting to get more of an idea of what I want Mr. Invader to be doing.
I'm liking 4 the most and 3 as well
Hehee, it's not entered until its complete!
Bit more concepts from the plating on the tentacles, Looking to be hopping back on to 3D this weekend and start fleshing out some assets.
(edit, the lovely grey box on the left will be cloth eventually)
Keep up the good work!
Still need to update the Geo in engine and replace the invading thing so it doesn't have hands...
I'll Probably add the finer unique details in painter/photoshop, but setting up this base speeds things up a fair bit
I'll be updating with some more shot's from ue4 tomorrow once i finish uv'ing everything
Still got a LOT of tidying up to do and fix that huge brick size on the left..
I've basically just been working on the floor, creating a height and normal in substance, then plugging it in to my MAKE-IT-STONE texturer node. It's working quite well although I still have a few more things to work out like figuring out a better way to get chipped edges and more varied less-square shapes.
Cloth and Floor! And the usual lighting fiddle.. Finished up the stone floor substance, learnt a lot doing it so that was fun.. also updated the drapes and carpet meshes and plan on texturing them tomorrow again with designer.
Next week will be dedicated to designing the throne and its little area
I made a speed video from the livestreams for the carpet:
Hopefully finishing off the high for the throne tomorrow
Got the throne in and threw in a quick sky... much to do, many looming deadline sweats.
Did a quick pass on some dusty fog stuff.. It looks terrible in motion at the moment but does the job for static shots
Started thinking about the glass in the windows to, need to do a proper shader still.
Then on to the chairs that need to be modeled, baked and thrown through the MAKE WOOD generator I made for the throne.
I've been looking at some lighting feedback I've been getting, brightening it up and getting some more colour and hot spots in as the throne just wasn't holding peoples focus. (Candles and carpets are just asking for trouble!)
34 Iterations in one Gif!
How many unique substances did you end up making? Building a library of them at the end of each project must be quite useful as I imagine they have a fair amount of re-usability. After seeing the GDC talk 'Remaking the Art of Halo 2' I'm really excited about its potential!
Hey Paul, sorry just saw this! It was about 3 or 4, The stone one I'm going to go back to and re-visit as I learnt much better ways of doing it now, such as using slope blur for damage, I also have a wood grain generator and the carpet one just lets me plug any pattern in and it will texture it although I want to find a better way of making the patterns more procedural so that's another one to re-visit! Also watched that talk and its a fantastic workflow they have there!
(Edit, I'll Post up a few tricks with the wood grain generator stuff I found when It's cleaned up a little)
I posted up some wood stuff on here for anyone that's interested: