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Small Long range fighter


This will be small fighter type space craft with a living space.
I have classified three classes of star fighters throughout movies and video games. They would be short range fighters, what I will refer to as strike fighters, and long range fighters.

Short range fighters have no FTL drives (hyper drive, warp drive, etc.), and instead rely on bigger ships to get from place to place, example would be a tie fighter. Then you have strike fighters which have a FTL drive but no living space, usually just a pilot seat, like an X-Wing. And then there is the long range fighter, which has a FTL drive and at least a modest living space; bed, food, water, and lavatory. I have seen some games start to introduce these such as Star Citizen or Elite: Dangerous. And I wanted to make something that would fit in with that idea.

Interior Description

I wanted to go for more of a functional idea, using collapsible or hidden utilities, such as a collapsible or multipurpose food station. Or a bed that double as a lounging bench that can be stowed against the wall.
Exterior Description
I wanted to go with a sleek design that would be believable to go into atmospheric conditions, like landing on a planet. So some control surfaces will probably be included. Maybe have them be deploy able.

Small ship Prop List

Hide able futon/bench
Multi shifting food station
Flight chair/ pilot seat
Exit hatch


Landing gear
Weapons (with some movement)
Viewing glass
Directional thrusters
Main thrusters
Atmospheric control surfaces


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