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The Orange Thread of Improvementisationism

Hello girls, boys and/or whatever sex you identify with!

This here thread's gonna be pretty simple : kick the hell out of my laziness and start doing stuff!

Let's start with some mumbo jumbo 'bout m'self : currently, I'm a student in 3D Animation and Synthetic Imaging, yet never have I done any practice in those two and a half years of studying...
So I'm starting this tread as an improvement thread for the stuff I do either at school or in my free time.
On a side note, I ain't no painter (I can't draw for sh*t), so don't expect me to post concepts and whatnot (I work it out as I go).

TL : DR -> Me post stuff, you looky looky

As usual, feedback on anything is welcome (you can be as severe as you want, I can take it).


  • Orangedishes
    All right, let's get it officially started!

    Worked already on this over the past few days :


    This :


    And this :


    Suckish practice, you might say, but Rome wasn't built in one day!

    Ok, so I've started a new project (woohooo) : a car in a european alley. I'm going to try and finish it before the semester starts (which leaves me with... 11 days!!). Here's the fabulous car so far (note the modeling isn't as fabulous) :


    Here's the alley I'm aiming for :


    Content of the above image belongs to original author, whoever that might be!

    I'll keep you updated. If the images don't show correctly, fly over to DeviantArt (I use it to post images, son. Don't laugh.) and search for OrangeDishes, it's all there.
  • SaboR1996
    Offline / Send Message
    SaboR1996 polycounter lvl 8
    You have embedded your pictures wrong buddy.
  • Marshkin
    Offline / Send Message
    Marshkin polycounter lvl 9
    You'll want to link to the image directly rather then to the page that's hosting it. ie;
    Currently you are linking to http://orangedishes.deviantart.com/art/Fiat-Coupe-Wip-1-507241354

    but you should be linking to http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/015/b/0/fiat_coupe_wip_1_by_orangedishes-d8dzxxm.png

    I hope this helps!
  • Orangedishes
    Haha...ha. I've failed.

    Thanks SaboR and Marshkin, you've legitimately made me facepalm at my own failure.
  • Orangedishes
    So... Haven't updated for a couple of days...

    Unfortunately, things have not benn going as smoothly as planned (slow work pace, friend interference, etc.). On that, I decided the best course of action was... wait for it... START ANOTHER CAR (for the same project).

    I didn't like where the Fiat was going, so I thought I'd try something a bitsimpler (kind of), or at least I thought so in me noggin. So here's the new model as of right now :


    (weird topology galore!!)

    I should , theoretically, be able to finish, or at least be able to polish it, by monday night. Hopefully...

    After that, 4 days to do the alley and rendering.

    It's going to be a great week!!
  • Orangedishes

    The car isn't done, officially putting me behind schedule.Yet I must move on to the alley if I am to finish (hopefully) this project before the start of the semester.

    Here's where I stand with it :


    Below is a wireframe render, above a car material I've tried putting together using dx11's shader inside Maya as well as a smooted out preview.

    Do not despair, ladies and gentlemen, for last week's endeavour shall make an appearance in the final render, though partially...

    On the plus side, this next part is something I (I think) actually know I have the abilities for and want to improve on (being environnements and rendering).
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