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regarding the importing problems....

polycounter lvl 6
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No Pie For You! polycounter lvl 6
Hey everybody, i`ve started having problems with the bone system lately. With the last 2 month`s updates, i noticed that when attaching bone values in Max14 and then importing the model in game, the values get reset, or do not behave accordingly.
For example, a pugna head slot bound to the head bones, ignores the head completely and moves with the spine bones.

My problem is: i made an axe.... for axe, but the axe refuses to follow the axe_weapon bone (not actual bone name), and chooses to go with axe_waist bone instead. it moves, but with the waist, not the weapon movements.

Any ideeas why?
I saw some other people having similar problems, and if i understood correctly, an import from the original game files and bone rigging from those files usually fixes the issue, but can anyone tell me how to get to those files? (and pls don`t tell me to go with cannonfodder`s stuff, because in never manage to get the MDLstudio pathed right so it crashes)

I would also appreciate if someone willing enough would provide me with the axe.files

Cheers, and sorry for the long read.


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