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I need of anatomy critiques!! Please!

Hello everyone, I started a new project.. this is rough blockout of first character in the scene.. I need critiques on its anatomy... Draw overs and everything else is more than welcome!!



  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Do you have a concept art you're recreating?
  • MrCreator
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    First thing that comes to mind is you added an extra line of abs that shouldn't be there.

  • dimosM
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    Well, although i am not as good in anatomy as some other people here, i will try and help you out.
    First things first, there is no clavicle, a very important landmark that should be strongly defined(the only reason that is not shown in your concept art is because of the girl's hand).
    b)The thoracic arch is not strongly defined, another very important landmark.
    Now when you define the thoracic arch which should be above the first 2 packs, it will be easier to fix the rest ; its true that your abs are a little messy but i don't fully agree with JadeEyePanda, because you may have wanted to go for a 6pack, in this case the top 2 packs should be above the thoracic arc as you have them right now(they are just a little too big). Of course if you want to go for a 4pack then you should stick to JadeEyePanda's image.
    As far as the last pack is concerned(The big one); right now it's a way too small(it is supposed to reach the pubis symphysis) and there is not supposed to be a dividing line that separates the left from the right one(unlike the rest).
    Since we are at this area, you will want to fix your external obliques too. This muscle is composed by 2 sections: One at the level of the ribs, that actually dives into them(that's why these sausage-like shapes are there), so since it dives into the ribs it means you are gonna have more of these shapes starting where the chest muscle ends . The other section is a more block, squarish-shape muscle that sits right in the top of the iliac crest, again look at panda's image especially for this one.
    Now as far as your chest is concerned, the pectoralis major muscle has 3 distinct sections ; one coming from the clavicle, one from the sternum, and the last one is the abdominal section. So it shouldn't be as blobby as it is right now ; try to define these sections using a good reference.

    Take a look at the sections here

    The last big one. going all the way down, and there is no dividing line.

    External oblique.
  • MrCreator
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    Hello once again!

    Thanks for all the critiques, Ive worked some more on my model, fixed what you said should be fixed, tweaked stuff and so on.. Just to clear things out, that first row wasnt supposed to be abs, its rib cage, it was not that clear on the last sculpt, I hope I made it clearer now.

    Im at this point for now. I need another round on critiques, his hand especially!

    Thank you for all the feedback so far!

  • MrCreator
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    Sorry to push it, but ill give this post one bump in case someone missed it and wants to help :)
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    You're not quite nailing the twist from his pectoral muscles to his pelvis. Rotate the pelvis to the left more.
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    get some reference dude!
    take photos of yourself in that pose if you must, or someone else, doesn't matter.

    also if you have problems with anatomy as you seem to have, i'd try to first sculpt a person in t-pose before jumping ahead into and doing something complex like this.
  • MrCreator
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    @JadeEyePanda you were right, I fixed that now, adjusted his body and than hers according to his...

    @Goeddy please be more specific, I stuck to JadeEyePandas ref and to couple more reference images with muscle anatomy...

    This is where im at now...
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    We should verify you've got the sculpt down before we commit to painting.
  • jhoythottle
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    jhoythottle polycounter lvl 7
    You should model in a "t-pose" before sculpting an already posed figure. This way your details will transfer in symmetry. You're creating more unnecessary work for yourself by sculpting on a posed body. For every change you make, you'll be doubling it for the other side of the characters.
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