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Sci Fi Hallway

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LostLeo77 polycounter lvl 3
Hello. Long time observer, first time poster. I am working on a modular Sci Fi hallway. Still in the modeling phase.

I am struggling to find ideas for my ceiling.

Any and all ideas and criticism are welcome and appreciated.



  • Cluly
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    I love the shape language, but the side between the wall and the railings feels very empty. maybe some large pipes to fill the space.
  • Swarm22
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    Swarm22 polycounter lvl 15
    The railings are also kinda dull and uninspired looking. Should make them look a little more interesting.
  • LostLeo77
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    LostLeo77 polycounter lvl 3
    Hello, Sorry for taking so long to update. Ive takes your suggestions and changed my railings, and am working on some sort of pipe system.

    I've also just came up with a ceiling plan (Finally) that I am currently working on as well.


    I also worked a hatch to put in the middle of the intersection.

    Any and all ideas and criticism are welcome and appreciated.
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    I'm definitely picking up that aliens vibe in the architecture.

    I know it's still a bit early in the modeling phase, but maybe you can start to think about how you can make the corridor a little bit less generic and become more memorable than sci-fi corridor no. 534.

    Whether that comes in through the textures, a key/"hero" prop placed somewhere compositionally, structural damage, an opened door peering into another room, etc. I'm not so sure.

    Maybe thinking about exactly what kind of facility or area this corridor would be seen in could help. Is it the corridor of a mining facility on Mars? Is it a medical bay orbiting in space? Is it some sort of greenhouse facility or colony on another planet inhabited by strange fauna and foliage? Was there some sort of battle or are people just carrying about their typical day eating donuts and meeting at the watercooler at the ole' space office complex.

    Things like the level of dirtiness, how old it is, is it crystal clean new or moderate, is it stark white which would add to the fidelity of colors of any saturated foliage being seen, is the environment rich and warm colors or cold and antiseptic, etc.

    And then you could get into even finer details like what kind of fonts would be used in this facility, are there a shitload of warning signs everywhere, promotional posters for eating Randy's Space Donuts, is it a corporation with their own company logo, brand colors, and cheesy slogan, is there some sort of You Are Here map? Just something to think about while you're working on it.

    I'm looking forward to see how you handle the texturing and lighting ingame.
  • LostLeo77
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    LostLeo77 polycounter lvl 3
    Hello, sorry for the long wait. I finished my door and ceiling, I have now left to do random objects to fill space. (pipes, cart, etc.)
    I'm still deciding on the backstory for the scene, I have so many ideas! Trying to merge what sounds logical and what doesnt.


  • LostLeo77
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    LostLeo77 polycounter lvl 3
    Hello sorry for not updating in a while! At this point I'm ready to start texturing. I will be using UDK and will try to update regularly.

    Here are some shots of some assets to populate my scene


    Fire Extinguisher

  • angelofdeath1000
    This is looking good so far, looking forward to seeing some textures.

    One thing I will say is don't render on black, even if it's just for work in progress shots. For individual models in UDK use the model viewer rather than the viewport (there is a trick you can do in Photoshop to paint over the black without painting over the model, will try and remember it and post it in here)
  • LostLeo77
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    LostLeo77 polycounter lvl 3
    Hello, Long time I hadn't posted. I took time off this scene to work on my texture game, I felt I was lacking in that area. But I have fully textured this scene. I setting up the scene in UDK now. Here are some assets in Marmoset.

    (Black is where glass material will be placed)


  • LostLeo77
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    LostLeo77 polycounter lvl 3
    Just and Update from the engine. Lightmaps were giving me some issues, but its all been sorted out.

  • JabacOrdof
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    JabacOrdof polycounter lvl 3
    Hey LostLeo77, this is some nice work so far! I am really liking the curvature of the walls and the shape of the hallway. I would love to see some cool lights bringing some focus into the hallway, and also to show off some of that nice specular on the walls. It seems a little dark right now, and the eye needs somewhere to go. Even if there's a strong light on the door setting some stronger contrast in the scene it would benefit from more of that light/dark contrast. Can't wait to see the finished scene!
  • LostLeo77
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    LostLeo77 polycounter lvl 3
    Hi, another update. A lot less blue now, stronger ambient lighting as well. Added to under the walkway.

  • LostLeo77
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    LostLeo77 polycounter lvl 3
    Hi, Fixed the lighting. Added a very subtle dust particle system. Close to calling this done.
    C&C welcome!
    (And if you know how to get rid of those yellow bars on the bottom and right side please let me know how to remove them)

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