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Rate my portfolio?

polycounter lvl 10
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nevermind polycounter lvl 10
Hey guys,
I'm in my last few months of school and starting to bust ass to go into the real world. I'm about to purchase my domain, but want to get some feedback on the website and the work.

These are some of my favorite pieces from school so far, but I will probably update it after our final block project is done.

It's all low poly characters - Let me know what ya think! =)

- edit - the demo reel page is something that I will probably get rid of, unless anyone thinks it should stay. Our school requires us to create a reel after every block and showcase them on our website - but they give us limitations on how much content should be on it, so those reels don't have everything that can is showcased on the site.



  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Go for domain and wix sub, right choice

    Its kinda confusing to navigate, try placing your name above your navigation that would help a lot, the works look solid but I have no clue of character art but the nice people here will sure rate your stuff. I would just advise that you try doing some realistic things, as you will lose a lot of reach else.

    Also get some nice backgrounds, all that grey is just a turn off. Your an artist afterall, present your stuff right. Complementary colors and shit you know. Or something unique thats the same for them all. Changing the purple text to yellow would also go well with your overall texture color sheme

  • Shurkuris
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    Shurkuris polycounter lvl 3
    Not gonna rate, just C&C...

    (1) You show in your Demo 4/6 of the models shown on the first page, but not the Cerberus or the Alien Head?

    You also don't show any Textures/Wireframe/High Poly meshes or anything else to make them stand out. (Rigging and giving them animations would help their appeal)

    (2) You showed an Animation Demo. But I don't understand (Including others I've seen) to why you didn't bother to Rig and Animate the characters you have displayed on your front page.

    They look far more impressive than the ones that you would of done in a College class.

    I would think in the least it would show that you have a better understanding to what makes interesting game characters if you have personal experience in Animating them and improving your modeling work based on that. (Like knowing where problem areas are and what is easier to Rig or Animate or harder to do)

    (3) If your going to base your work off other's Concepts and such. Include some links/contact info to the owner(s), not just their name. (Should also be "Concept by: >INSERT NAME<")

    (3a) I found it a little confusing at first seeing the first name/word to be White, the second one to be Purple. Does anyone else feel this way?

    (3b) You should diversify your Portfolio to include Props, World Designing, Environments.

    Characters are good, but it needs other goodies to look at.
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    The first thing that hits my mind when opening your web folio was "Please Donate" kind of feel

  • nevermind
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    nevermind polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks much guys! I've added a couple more pieces and will be fixing it up in the coming days based on your suggestions - Keep em coming!

    Oh, Shurkuris, I definitely need to update that demo reel or just do away with it.. our school makes us create them for a grade turnin and only allowed us to have a minute timespan - so I cut some stuff from it.. I'll either add the other stuff, or just not have a demo at all=P
    peanut™ wrote: »
    The first thing that hits my mind when opening your web folio was "Please Donate" kind of feel


    What exactly does that mean? and how do I remedy it if you don't mind me asking.
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    Personally I'm not a fan of the purple text choice, nor the gradient backgrounds. I would just use a single bg color, in the same tone.

    Maybe have your navigation under your name/title because right now I first see the name then I have to look up again to find your navigation because it feels unnatural to me. Just my two cents :)

    I wont comment on the art itself as I'm no character artist!
  • pepur
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    pepur polycounter lvl 9
    Looks quite good.
    Yours models are single assets but maybe you can add more intresting backgrounds and frames for better presentation?
    Similar to this
  • nevermind
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    nevermind polycounter lvl 10
    Made a couple changes and re placed the navigation bar - I'll work on presentation.
    The color scheme will be my next change.
  • omneom
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    omneom polycounter lvl 6
    Hey nevermind !

    You have some cool things running around there, especially the cerberus and persoanally I dig the mech thingy. You definetely need to change the layout of your site, I've started using wix recently and it's a bit more profesional than other templates around (check it out in my signature). Been asking the same questions here on polycount and people recomended me wix and to take more care of my personal branding strategy.

    My personal recomendation would be to not put frames around your images, let the artwork speak for yourself, but you may include a small text description along with the software used. Also, please do post wires and a synopsis of your textures/shaders (for future use maybe).

    Hoep I've been of use.

  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    pepur wrote: »
    Looks quite good.
    Yours models are single assets but maybe you can add more intresting backgrounds and frames for better presentation?
    Similar to this

    I would NEVER do this. Frames and flair only serve to hurt the model. Your model/scene should be able to stand out on it's own within it's own screenshot. Your name/contact info in an unobtrusive way is the most I would put on screenshots.

    Outside of that, your header is far to large. Make it smaller and less screen stealing. Your layout is basic and fine and works well enough that you won't turn off employers. Make sure your screenshots have your name on them and in the file name convention.
  • DarkStar
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    your portefolio looks good.

    You show technical knowledge in modeling, texture creation and rendering.

    good job.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I second what Quack! said. Unless its in a Illustrated book or something I don't think it has any place on a portfolio. Looks like a cheap gimmik to cover up poor art imo.

    edit: I like the style of your art tho, clean and well done!
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    -Your portfolio is a lot better than many other student portfolios I've seen, so thats a good thing :)

    -You could stand to add more breakdowns of the characters, like including a wireframe shot and polygon count. That stuff is good to see and even more important in low poly characters like the ones you are making.

    -Personally, I would pose the Torchlight characters.

    -Contrary to what Shurkuris is suggesting, I wouldn't add more diverse models such as props, world designs, environments, etc... It seems like you want to be a character artist, do more characters. Unless you want to work at a smaller studio as a generalist, I'd encourage you to specialize. You seem to focus on characters and animation, pick whichever one you enjoy more and you'll improve much quicker.

    -You're clearly tailoring your portfolio to a stylized, handpainted studio, which is good. It gives your whole portfolio a cohesive look.

    -The Torchlight characters could do with a second pass on the models. The proportions are pretty off from the concepts. The first armor is a bit stumpy looking,(the male version) so he needs longer legs. The second armor isn't nearly as bulky as the concept.

    -I think your presentation is fine, I don't like fancy backgrounds too much either. It's too distracting.

    Good job! I see a lot of potential!
  • carlobarley
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    carlobarley polycounter lvl 9
    i think you have a solid portfolio, you can translate concept to 3d executed well. looks like you have a inclination towards a WoW/wildstar/borderlands style.

    the characters although solid and well-executed in my opinion can be presented better. texture sheets wireframes, different lighting conditions, etc. show off them hipoly-lowpoly-texturesheets-wireframes-final beauty shot vs character turnaround. http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=119201


    my mentor told me your portfolio will always be crit for what you don't have.
    a couple of pieces showing realistic armor and/or solid prop work, like briefcases, hardsurface ornamental pieces. i think will help your cause when you go for jobhunting.


    some crits:
    the spider tank texturing and material definition can be pushed further. show off them textures sheets, diffuse, normal, spec, gloss. also getting rid of the udk checkerboard and get better lighting setup as if it were in a environment would push the piece further.

    some closeup shots of it, showing of clean hipoly modeling and low poly modeling plus unwrap will be great.

    the environment diorama piece looks solid, show off them texture sheets.


    goodluck man! for a student that's graduating, folio looking pretty baws.

    also quick tip, check on mobile or ipad if your site works, avoid fancy flash sites.
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    What exactly does that mean? and how do I remedy it if you don't mind me asking.

    nevermind, this was to steal a smile from your face, nothing else :)
  • nevermind
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    nevermind polycounter lvl 10
    peanut™ wrote: »
    nevermind, this was to steal a smile from your face, nothing else :)

    You moreso got a very confused look, but now the smile is here.
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