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Project feedback and thoughts

polycounter lvl 8
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Ryandec polycounter lvl 8
I wasn't 100% whether or not i should be posting this here since i'm not actually showcasing any work yet, but anyways ill post here and if its not relevant I'll remove it!

So basically I'm at my final year of university and I'm currently in the planning and pre-production stages of my project, the idea is to create a small environment around the theme of decay and hopefully produce some real time decay effects.

Currently I have quite a few ideas I'm bouncing around but I'm finding it a bit hard to to focus it in one specific direction, here are my ideas so far. Also we are told to try and give our work a deeper meaning so its more purposeful.

Mental decay,

Looking at dementia and creating an environment around this to show the progressive effects on the mind. (not sure how I can do anything real time based with this?)

Economical collapse,

Looking at the effects of economical downfalls and how they effect us and the environments we live in, been looking at Detroit for this so far. (would work well with real time effects)


This would be looking at how we effect our planets environments with human pollution, I think this could be quite good since there is a ton to look at and reference also would be good for the real time stuff!

So yeah that's where I'm at, Iv'e had feedback and stuff from my tutors and peers, but I'm just trying to get as many opinions as possible, so any thoughts would help, thanks!


  • Ryandec
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    Ryandec polycounter lvl 8
    Just guna bump the thread up again, I've decided to focus on looking at how to show the progress of dementia in an environment.

    here is an idea of what im actually trying to do (not the best concepter lol)




    Each stage could be a different room showing acting as a deeper stage of dementia, objects could also change and dissapear. At the moment though I'm kinda stuck in the mindset of creating like a living room and its annoying, Its hard to think of how to relate and environment to dementia other than rooms in a house where personal belonging are, also don't see how I can work this with some real time effects. any feedback and thoughts appreciated I think ill keep updating this thread now to show the progress of the project.
  • Youngy798
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    Youngy798 polycounter lvl 4
    I like the idea of different rooms decaying, seems cool.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Are you specifically sticking to dementia as the go-to mental health problem to tackle?
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    My mother has dementia, I wouldn't say that her degeneration is like... decay. She has become more childlike over the years more than anything. But I suppose it's different for everyone.

    I really like the idea of the decaying rooms with progression, though. With vertex painting it could be done procedurally.
  • Ryandec
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    Ryandec polycounter lvl 8
    @youngy798 thanks! :D

    @jadeeyepanda I originally looked at schizophrenia but my tutor said it was more of a condition that a form or decay, but I'm open to looking at other mental health condition that relate to decay but I haven't researched to deep into that so if you got any idea ill take them on board!

    @Makkon Yeah dementia really varies from the person that has it, my granddad had dementia and he used to speak of old memories and such, but dementia gets worse with age normally so thats why I saw it as a form of decay of the mind as such. yeah I think that's my favorite idea atm :D need to look into ways or doing it like as u said.

    On a final note I think the main thing that is difficult is trying to convey something like dementia in an environment :P
    thanks for the feedback guys!
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