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[Riot Art Contest] - Plague Viktor

polycounter lvl 8
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karakan polycounter lvl 8
Hey guys!

First and foremost, what a level of other entries! A lot of great stuff there! I'm happy I can compete with all of you :)

I decided to enter the contest with a new skin for Viktor. Plague Viktor will be based on a design of plague doctors. They had a characteristic beak-like masks, I'm sure everyone saw them, just not everyone knows what they were ;)


I want to connect the style of plague doctors with a little bit of steampunk: there will be a steam backpack on his back + some others things like third hand on his shoulder.

I won't paint any concept art, I made some reference sheets and started working. Below you can see the beginning. I didn't focus on the base mesh for a body too much, because he's gonna be fully clothed, so I needed it mostly as a reference where to put each part of his clothes/armor.

Hope you'll like this idea ;)



  • Golden Yak
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    Golden Yak polycounter lvl 6
    Oh, awesome idea. Old-timey plague doctor masks are creepy and great, working them into a character design for LoL is brilliant. I can see it working really well with Viktor's design. Looking forwards to following this one.
  • karakan
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    karakan polycounter lvl 8
    Great ;)
    And I keep on working on the model. Like I said I want to make a mix of the plague doctor with a steampunk design ;)

  • karakan
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    karakan polycounter lvl 8
    I found some time to make a base for a left hand (the robotic one) and the pauldron. Still it's only the base mesh without detail. Next stop is probably a base for legs.

  • karakan
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    karakan polycounter lvl 8
    I was really busy lately and had very little time for the model. On the screens below you can see more of the concepting phase. Most of the meshes there have to be retopologized, there are just blobs for concepting issues. But the character's look seems to get clarified. Next stop: third hand ;)

  • karakan
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    karakan polycounter lvl 8
    Ok, I found a little time to design the rest of the body. I feel like it's pretty solit base for the cgaracter (I still need his staff). So I think it's time to give this model some details and refine it's shapes ;)

  • karakan
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    karakan polycounter lvl 8
    The last moment of course :)
    I've managed to finish the model. I didn't do everything in a way I wanted, but still I am pretty happy that I finished this one. It was a great opportunity to train some hand-painted textures. Also I had a lot of great time studying and trying to understand the art design of the new map in League of Legends.
    Below you can check my entry materials. Enjoy, and let me know what you think ;)

    Btw: When I saw the level of other entries I fell of my chair... All of these works are just amazing! I hate you ^^



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