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[Riot Art Contest] - Olaf

It look like no one so far has picked Olaf and he could use some love. I don't know what exactly I would like to do but I know I would like to bring a little more viking into this viking.

This is just for fun though and I highly doubt I will finish. My first baby is due November 25th so wish me luck... :)




  • ambitious_nomad
    Alright this is my inspiration post. I was thinking of leaving the helmet off giving him a braid like Ragnar Lothbrok with tatoos on the side of his head. I want to give him either a wolf or bear shoulder pad and cloak. I might make him shirtless with claw marks and room for tattoos. I would really really like to give the poor guy some pants! Ideas or suggestions are welcome. So far this is still the only Olaf in this competition I want to do him right.

    Some Viking Inspired Music!





    Reference Sheet

  • Dogg
    Offline / Send Message
    Dogg polycounter lvl 5
    Cool that you're picking him up, his in-game model needs an upgrade desperately. I would probably play him if he got a visual upgrade. Good luck!
  • ambitious_nomad
    Thanks Dogg. I probably won't get to show any progress till around Monday I have the baby shower this weekend. In the mean time I am enjoying seeing every ones progress.
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