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Environmental Artist digging into Character work

polycounter lvl 7
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SwdPwnzDggr polycounter lvl 7
Hey guys, I have been a freelance environmental artist for quite a while now and recently started at a university so that I can get my Bachelors while finishing up my reel. In the past few weeks I finally got a chance to work on character modeling. Before this I had only ever followed some quick series or mimicked other models to keep my organic modeling skills fresh.

I went online and found a great concept by Alexei Samokhin (mexart.ru/index.html). Created some quick orthos out of it and went to town.





Quick Turntable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnmBXbTu8ns

Please post any crits or comments, I would love to improve from this. Like I said, I normally focus on Environmental work but I would love to see where I can go with characters as well.


  • Shurkuris
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    Shurkuris polycounter lvl 3
    His right/left hands could probably use more edge loops if someone ever wanted to animate him.

    Nice to see individual hair strands on him, not just 100% texture din.
  • ZippZopp
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    ZippZopp polycounter lvl 12
    i think it is a good start, and you're on the right track. I think the face needs a bit more attention to detail with regards to anatomy.

    i think there needs to be more of an indication of eye anatomy, he needs more of a top lid shape. they feel very thin. i think the bottom lip feels very much like a tube stuck on there and needs some better transition into the face.

    The hands need some work as well. the concept has some very nice hard angles, especially in the hands. yours feel quite soft and rubbery. I'd also suggest adding more geometry. of course it depends on the purpose of the model, but it is easy to pick out the low poly geometry.
  • SwdPwnzDggr
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    SwdPwnzDggr polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks guys. Looking back I can really see what you mean about the hands. Adding a bit more geo there would change a ton.

    As for the face I will keep that in mind from here on. I found some great resources near the end of working on this model for facial stuff that I wish I had gotten hold of sooner.
  • Emanuel_palalic
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    Emanuel_palalic polycounter lvl 6
    It's looking pretty nice so far! I do agree with ZippZopp, definitely go back in and define some of those shapes especially around the eye, also the eyes feel a bit small. Sharper edges, folds in the clothing need some more attention. Nose needs a bit more of a hook, sharper edges, especially around where the nose meets up with the cheek. The fluffy things around his jacket are a bit too big. Shirt goes down just a tad bit lower, should be able to see more of the necklace. I would add the fluff on the boots, I see them in the texture but they do break silhouette so you might want to create geometry for that. Ears look like they should be bigger. Also I would recommend adding more geometry especially around areas where the character will deform. Not sure how far you are with texturing, I would definitely go back and work on that a bit more. I would work on making the hair and mustache a bit more interesting in the texture. I am being a bit picky haha, but it's looking great! Looking forward to updates :D!
  • Emanuel_palalic
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    Emanuel_palalic polycounter lvl 6
    Boy is that smiley creepy, I choose this one instead! :) lol
  • pongstah
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    pongstah polycounter lvl 12
    Nice proportions, looks fun to animate
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