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Viking for Rise of Valhalla Game

Here is a posed and rendered portrait of the Vikingr Warrior unit for the game in development, Rise of Valhalla. Daniel Merticariu did the modeling and rendering.

For more, check out our dev log at RoV Development Log.


  • DWalker
    Offline / Send Message
    The beard is a bit odd; vikings (in general) were not known for their meticulously sculpted facial hair... Large & bushy beard? Fine. Beard just coming in for the young 'uns? That could work...

    The color isn't working for me. It just seems muddy. I'd recommend picking a more traditional color - brown or blonde, or possibly even red.

    The horns on the skull on his shoulder should be replaced with those from an actual animal - an old norse sheep might be a good match:
    The medallions holding his cloak could use some work, at least for the beauty shot. A Celtic knot in the normal map would be nice. BTW, some of the cloak hair is poking through the medallions.

    The cloak hair texture could use a little softening towards the tip; the strands feel very coarse at the moment.

    The shield feels strangely polygonal considering the polygon density of the rest of the image.
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