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Applying for internship portfolio

polycounter lvl 9
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deod116 polycounter lvl 9
Hi guys! So it's time for me to apply for an internship position somewhere (I'm really hoping for DICE). And i wanted to ask for some feedback and general tips and stuff I should be thinking of when applying for an internship.


(1) Should i change the header from "Environment artist" to "3D Artist"?

(2) What should i do with my weakest category in my portfolio?

(3) I know that i have a really bad presentation skill, but is there any good tips on how to present stuff in general, like what I should think of when doing the presentation and so on?

(4) What should i spend more time doing? Texturing, Modeling, Rendering or over all polishing?





  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Pick a more standard font, the software list at the bottom of the page is kinda ugly.
  • Mistry10
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    Mistry10 polycounter lvl 8
    +1 about what ZacD.

    1. Doesn't matter
    2. Cut if from the portfolio.
    3. When presenting art work, keep it simple.

    The black text w/ your info on the top right should be white. Right now its really hard to see.
    The cut corner is kinda of weird. Doesnt add any value.
  • JustMeSR
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    JustMeSR polycounter lvl 4
    deod116 wrote: »
    (1) Should i change the header from "Environment artist" to "3D Artist"?

    Why would you do that?!
    deod116 wrote: »
    (4) What should i spend more time doing? Texturing, Modeling, Rendering or over all polishing?

    I would say texturing.
    The only map you showed doesn't really show whether you know what each map is for. (I am not saying you don't, just that it isn't visible).

    Your work is good...that invisible/ unfindable contact info though...
  • RogelioD
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    RogelioD polycounter lvl 12
    First of all, I would like to say that this is all in my humble opinion

    1) Doesn't matter, at all. I go between the two, but really, as long as your work rocks- you're fine.

    2) Depending on how weak you feel it is, most of the time it is best to just cull it or replace with better work

    3) As far as your Tatiana environment goes, I think you are really presenting it all wrong. Generally, as humans beings, we tend to "Look up to" things we admire and "Look down upon" things we despise. This is actually a quote I am borrowing from someone said here on PC. It has been a valuable lesson that I have learned. When presenting your environment shots, generally you want to be from a persons ground perspective looking up at the structures you have created. It seems that all but one of your shots are from a very odd "floating" angle that just doesn't do your environment justice. Often artists get too caught up in wanting to show off too much of their creations at a time, trivializing everything in the process. Get in close. Show off set pieces. That is my advice. Of course, there are exceptions though. If you build a piece that was made for a top down perspective then most of the time you want to show it off in that manner. But most of the time, ground perspective is best for a nice beauty shot.
  • deod116
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    deod116 polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks, nice input! I changed the info color to something more brighter.

    Yea I've heard that my texturing need some more work overall, but i'm really working hard on it, but true maybe a better presentation would be needed when it comes to texturing..just wondering, how to present what each map is for? Show the whole map?

    Interesting, I made a screengrab of a more "fps" view, and it looked alright. I didn't view it in that way before...feels kinda dumb now to take shots from some sort of a birdview when the environment is a fps/3rdP. Thanks!!


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  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Folio looks pretty solid man. That last screenshot looks really nice as well...the ground perspective makes it feel so much more natural.
  • RogelioD
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    RogelioD polycounter lvl 12
    deod116 wrote: »
    Thanks, nice input! I changed the info color to something more brighter.

    Yea I've heard that my texturing need some more work overall, but i'm really working hard on it, but true maybe a better presentation would be needed when it comes to texturing..just wondering, how to present what each map is for? Show the whole map?

    Interesting, I made a screengrab of a more "fps" view, and it looked alright. I didn't view it in that way before...feels kinda dumb now to take shots from some sort of a birdview when the environment is a fps/3rdP. Thanks!!


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    Looks way better to me! Really shows off your solid work! I really think it "grounds" you into the piece. Makes it feel "alive"
  • deod116
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    deod116 polycounter lvl 9
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Can you move up the Hardsurface section so there's no big empty gap ?
  • DWalker
    As far as #3 is concerned - assuming you're talking about a live, physical presentation during an interview - practice is essential, especially if you're not used to public speaking. Make up some index cards - or even scraps of paper - listing features you feel are important, then put those notes into a coherent form, and present it - to another human is best, but even the cat or a mirror will help. Don't worry about memorizing things, or giving a brilliant speech - the entire purpose is to a) remember feature that's significant without needing to pause or look at notes and b) lose some of your natural fear of public speaking. (Not everybody is afraid of public speaking, but most are; as for myself, I do much better speaking to larger groups... probably my inherent arrogance..)

    Also, when speaking, speed kills. When you get nervous, you tend to want to get it over with quickly, rushing out your words and often skipping over sections. Relax. Breathe. Taking a brief pause to gather your thoughts won't kill you. Try to speak at a measured, steady pace; many people who have problems with stuttering can improve by deliberately speaking slowly. Avoid using blank fillers - 'a','aww', 'um' are the common ones in English; your mileage may vary in other languages - instead, just stop speaking until your thoughts are gathered.

    As to your website itself, I'd lose the fat font. It's fine for your name - it adds some character - and marginal for your title, since that goes with the name, but pretty bad for the body text. Your primary concern for body text is readability; sure, fonts can show creativity, but nobody is going to look at a brilliant portfolio and say "gee, I'd like to hire this guy, but he's using Helvetica"; they might, however, put aside the site at first glance because it is difficult to read.

    I'm seeing a lot (over a page) of blank space between "FN FAL" and "Hard Surface". Whether it's just my browser (Firefox) or was intentional, it's not a good thing. When people see that much blank space, they assume they've reached the end or the site is sloppy.

    The banner for the FN FAL should be replaced. Aside from the black background - which is usually a bad choice - there are inexplicable blobs of red & white. Also, it's more common for weapons to be presented pointing to the right - really a carry-over of reading from left-to-right. (Looking at the project page, the inexplicable blobs are from an out-of-focus, almost black background. I'd lose the background in favor of a neutral gray or a subtle gradient. I'd avoid background images unless they actually relate to the object - a sky for a plane, for example.)

    Videos really have limited use to artists other than animators & F/X. If you want to keep them, then I'd move them to the end of the page.

    You should have some blank space between individual images - roughly the same vertical border as the horizontal border.

    Rather than use the generic - and over-used - "Sci Fi Environment", why not give it a proper name? "Reactor Room Aboard the Karl Gustav" seems much more engaging than "Yet Another Generic Environment"; it helps draw people in by implying a story.

    In your night shots of Tatiana, you might change the artificial lights to the more common orange of arc sodium lights. There also seem to be several pools of light with no discernible source.

    Many of your objects in the Hard Surface section lack textures.

    You might want to get an e-mail address from a common provider rather than using the one from your school; schools have a nasty habit of closing accounts when you graduate.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Also, I'm not a huge fan of the landing page with separate projects with huge breakdowns, I'd like to see all of your best work and images on one page with links to breakdowns.
  • deod116
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    deod116 polycounter lvl 9

    I made some updates!

    What i meant with question 3 was how to present models and work. But really interesting to read, i will think about that next time i talk to a human being...

    Ye the blank space between the FN FAL and the Hard Surface stuff was just some weird stuff...i really don't know how it made it like that. Fixed now tho.

    I use the school mail because i won't not loose any of the mails..(if i get any mails). My personal email is a mess....so yea..

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