It's that time again, making another environment this time in UE4. The first shot follows the concept more or less but I wanted to expand past it.
Concept by John Wallin Liberto

Progress on the blockout

Started work on the shader, all these walls use the same master material and textures

Subscribing, stoked to see progress on this. Great start so far.
Cant wait to see more
The blockout looks really solid though, and I;m excited to see you progress with this
Some newer shots
Been working on material functionality too for the main wall material too.
Puddles and canal water.
And here's a little prop.
Looks like a cool environment, it will be fun to see the progress
urgaffel Added those normal maps!
Cay I added a small bevel to the buildings but I'll probably have to do more to break up the edges.
Let me know if this too dark or anything too, I've been switching around on 3 monitors with different settings and I don't know what brightness is normal anymore :poly105:
Loving where this is going. It's not too dark on my monitor, it seems well exposed. I'll definitely check your progress.
The Lone Penguin Made a big lighting pass, I still think it needs a bit of work, but I think it's got a lot more of a direction now.
Thanks for all the feedback so far everyone, it's a huge help. Here's another update, replaced those placeholder assets and filled out the main building on the right. Still have some props to texture and colors to tweak.
I toned down the blues a bit, warmed up the yellows, then added a teeny bit more contrast.
If you're hellbent on having those lightshafts in the scene, maybe play with the bloom size of the sun and get some dust particles in here. Do you have any fog? Even just a little bit will help ground the scene a bit more.
Overall this is looking pretty great duder. Keep it up!
@Lucas Annunziata Thanks for the advice dude! I changed the colors around some and added a dust effect near the light shafts
only suggestion i can advice is to increase the brightness/intensity of your direct light.
It'll create a stronger contrast in the overall image.
But overall, again great work !