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Renewed updated portfolio

polycounter lvl 7
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underfox polycounter lvl 7
Hello guys, Since I am on a hunt for a job, I have updated my portfolio with some fresh UE4 work and wanted to know if you would be kind enough to have a look at it and tell me what you think about it?

I also posted a few screen of my New B 747 environment ( it's a work in progress though ) I plan to make more assets for it to imply that a terrorist attack has occured in there, and I will probably open a thread for it in the futur.


Don't hesitate to be arsh with your critics. I can take arsh critics don't worry.

PS: Resume is outdated.


  • CarlK3D
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    CarlK3D polycounter lvl 7
    Portfolio Layout: The black text on the Links is getting lost behind the top Image. The About me red color conflicts with the grey background

    Work: Your Assets and UDK environments are looking ok and you seem to have a fair amount of work. however the theme I'm seeing is most things have low quality textures. Here is quite apparent

    Your UE4 Plane scene is looking great though! I'd recommend after you finish that scene either update your previous works or remove them, you should try to keep all your work consistent. Quality over Quantity
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    Hello CarlK3D, thanks for your time, I really appreciate.
    CarlK3D wrote: »
    Portfolio Layout: The black text on the Links is getting lost behind the top Image. The About me red color conflicts with the grey background

    The menu was indeed lost behind the background image, I don't know how I did not notice such obvious thing. I changed the color to a bright gray now.

    As for the red color of the " about me " title it was on purpose to actually contrast the " about me " section from the 3D works while also breaking the monotony of grey on the website. Would you say it really was a bad design idea?

    I will wait and see if someone else feel the same about what you said before proceeding with the modifications. ( please don't tale it the wrong way )

    Work: Your Assets and UDK environments are looking ok and you seem to have a fair amount of work. however the theme I'm seeing is most things have low quality textures. Here is quite apparent

    You are right about the low resolution textures from the UDK environments. Thank you for pointing out that obvious screenshot ( I removed it ).

    Would you say some assets also suffer the same problem ?

    Your UE4 Plane scene is looking great though! I'd recommend after you finish that scene either update your previous works or remove them, you should try to keep all your work consistent. Quality over Quantity

    Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate :)

    I'm already thinking about removing the medieval environment since I have an MGS2 Tanker environment in limbo that I could very well resurect and port to Unreal Engine 4.

    I have a question, what do you guys think about the " about me " presentation text ( and photo while we are at it)? Isn't it an unprofessional way of presenting my self there or is it okay as it is?
  • Chimp
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    Chimp interpolator
    In my opinion, the front page is really badly designed, conversely I think your actual work pages are really well designed.

    I clicked through to the aeroplane scene and was pleasantly surprised by a wall of amazing shots, really easy to see your work clearly. Why is all of your stuff a click deep? I was almost turned off by the initial page, if I wasn't there to critique it, I'd have left already.

    Recruiters are going to be viewing hundreds of portfolios a day, if they see a tiny vertical thumbnail that is blurry first thing, they might already make their mind up about what that work looks like based off of that and could simply dismiss you. I almost did.

    Get some work on the front page, nice and big. On my display, 50% of the screen is grey on your website, the whole bottom half of my screen - you could fill that with your very best work.

    Don't settle for tiny vertical thumbnails, they're not doing your good work justice.

    I completely missed your demo reel? why is it not embedded on the front page so as soon as I get there I see a lovely outdoor scene with a big play button? I'd definitely watch. It's easy. Make it easy for us to see your work :)
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    With the "about me", having it red isn't the issue, the problem is that it's too similar a value to the grey it's on, causing it to read really poorly. You want to make it more saturated and brighter.

    Not a fan of the 3 column layout, honestly. It's weird and confused, like each of your big environments have less importance than your About Me section. I don't know much about how much you can customise weebly websites (all I know is that I find them to look kinda unprofessional, try to get a custom URL btw), but I'd suggest if you can making the "about me" a small side-bar rather than a full column.

    PS: Your "contact" header should have the same color and size as the "Environment" and "Assets" headers, it suffers from the same issues as the about me section.
  • DireWolf
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    "About me" shouldn't be right on the first page. You can have it, but keep it separate and let the visitors click and read by themselves if they're interested.

    Besides, it shouldn't look like a cover letter. We're passionate, we love creating art blah blah that's just not very interesting tbh.

    Ryan Church used to have a pretty interesting "About me" page with pictures of arts he drew when he was young, his work desk and a few more things. He seems to got rid of em now but you should still take a look
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    "About me" shouldn't be right on the first page. You can have it, but keep it separate and let the visitors click and read by themselves if they're interested.
    Yeah, even better.
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    Many thanks for the helpfull feedback guys. I have been making some modification after reading it.

    @chimp the demoreel should be more visible now ;)

    @chimp and bagelhero, I followed your advices about the thumbnail. I was thinking about it for a few minutes and came to the same conclusion as you. Those thumbnails are weird and way to compressed to showcase anything about my work. A recruiter would easily move to another portfolio after only judgning those thumbnail. That is not what I want.

    @direwolf I thought about what you said and ended up deciding that the " about me " section doesn't have it's place on the first page.
    My portfolio exist mainly to primarily showcase my work and only then, my self. That is if the recruiter is minimaly interest.
    So i got rid of it and will create a dedicated page just for it, it will ultimatly be visible and clicable in the menu.

    I also regrouped all the assets on the main page. I hope the pictures are big enough to give an idea about the quality of the work. I will let you guys be the judge on this. I would like to avoid having the visitor scrolling too much to view my work.

    Let me know what you guys think about those changes .

    Many thanks once again guys.
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    Do you really need a demo reel as an environment artist? The first few seconds are just slow zooming into still shots. An environment fly through is okay, but pictures still work better.

    Isn't that prairie scene from a tutorial? I would create a new and different environment using the techniques you learned from the tutorial. Replicating a tutorial scene exactly just makes it seem like you are not quite comfortable with the techniques and workflow yet, whether that is the case or not.

    Are you using bent vertex normals on your leaf and grass planes?



    With your Fantasy environment the buildings scale and proportions do not look correct. It also looks abandoned and uninhabited, or rather unfinished. I would just replace it with a newer scene.

    Most of your stuff is starting to look dated and probably just needs to be replaced with newer work.

    Your airplane scene is looking nice though! Remember there's no set rule on the number of props or environments you need to have in a portfolio.

    Quality > quantity

    I would replace or remove older works with newer ones.
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    Thank you for your feedback Tobbo I took some of your advice into account and I think it looks better indeed. let me know what you think now.
    Tobbo wrote: »
    Do you really need a demo reel as an environment artist? The first few seconds are just slow zooming into still shots. An environment fly through is okay, but pictures still work better.

    Honestly I don't think I do need one and after watching it a few times I have to agree that it needed to go.

    Isn't that prairie scene from a tutorial? I would create a new and different environment using the techniques you learned from the tutorial. Replicating a tutorial scene exactly just makes it seem like you are not quite comfortable with the techniques and workflow yet, whether that is the case or not.

    Are you using bent vertex normals on your leaf and grass planes?



    As for the prairie environment I highly doubt that there is a tutorial showcasing the same environment I made. You must be confusing my environment with the 3D motive folliage tutorial ( which, I admit, is where I learned how to make folliage from ) my environment got it's own lightning, it's own skybox shader a river with its own water shader with a cascade and the particle effects etc etc... it's definitly not a replication from any other tutorial.

    As for the leafs I used the speedtree normals plugins if I remember well, it gave it a nice normal shading.

    With your Fantasy environment the buildings scale and proportions do not look correct. It also looks abandoned and uninhabited, or rather unfinished. I would just replace it with a newer scene.

    It's a fact that this environment is full of grave problems. So got rid of the it, the scale proportion were clearly apparente and people would have to lay down to watch trough those windows etc....

    Most of your stuff is starting to look dated and probably just needs to be replaced with newer work.

    Your airplane scene is looking nice though! Remember there's no set rule on the number of props or environments you need to have in a portfolio.

    Quality > quantity

    I would replace or remove older works with newer ones.

    Thank you :)

    You are right and I know that I can do something much better now. I'll definitly revive that MGS2 tanker environment I have in limbo, port it to UE4 and redo all the texture to make them PBR.

    I honestly think the portfolio reads better and is more " to the point " than before. :thumbup:
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Leaving the layout aside for now, the headliner needs some drastic changes.
    Your logo font does not have any space at all, environment artist is kinda strange at the right, just put it below your name maybe. Your navigation is way too small
    Why is it underlined ? And then underlined again by the page indicator thats strange.

    I'MHERETOLIVEOUTLOUD Yea ok if you want to keep that, put the spaces in between alteast

    Your fonts are not consistent at all. Only use sans serif, no serif fonts. Only use the same font. Choose a weebly font that is nearly identical to the font you take for your pictures, or better, choose your picture font after your weebly font.

    Why is your logo in a 1940s opera typeface ? It does not have anything to do with your portfolio

    The red WIP banner looks pretty bad and is not consistent to anything else. Theres also no need to have unreal etc logos everywhere. If you do, look up a simple and clean
    black and white unreal logo and use that, that has more style

    Remove that background image in your headliner , its just adding noise and making everything look more busy. You can use a simpler image however that is not so complex in composition. The font for "ASSETS" and "ENVIRONMENTS" is also strange, its so rounded and well you gotta go over all your text and make that consistent, it will
    look very cheap else.

    Also the frontpage layout is kinda strange and makes your content look small in numbers. Use bigger images, and dont forget users can scroll.

    And dont forget to get that weebly subscription and your own domain. Your reviewer does not want to create
    a free website if hes at the bottom of your page :P Its just more professional looking.

    Dont underestimate the small things, as a sum they have a huge impact.

    Good luck!
  • DireWolf
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    Great feedback Shrike!
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