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3D Pillar - looking for crits (Help Texturing)

Im fairly new to modeling especially in Mudbox and need criticism on areas i could improve on.
Pillar made using 3Ds Max and Mudbox.






It would be awesome if someone could give me some advice on how I could go about texturing this aswell :)

- Thanks :D

PS: you may not get a reply in the next few days as im away but i will still try and check.


  • MattyWS
    Offline / Send Message
    MattyWS polycounter lvl 11
    I fear your uv islands may not be the same scale relative to each other, but I don't know if you did that to fit everything tightly into the uv space.

    Your render is a bit dark and you have all smoothing groups turned off so it's kind of hard to see it properly.

    Also, about your brick work.. If it's a pillar I dont think it would be made in that way, it simply wouldn't be possible unless the bricks were actually thin slabs pasted onto a surface if that makes sense.. Have you got references or was it this all from you own mind? I would have just had massive blocks stacked onto each other but I don't know what you're going for in terms of culture or even scale.
  • reMatt
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks for the quick reply, now you pointed it out i see what you mean about the brick work. If you look at the wireframe you can see i had a sharp 45 degree corner but i forgot to reinforce it so that Mudbox's sub division wouldnt smooth it :)

    As for the dark render I should have tuned off the light *facepalm*

    Thanks for the help next time Ill make sure the UV's are the same scale too :D Cheers

    Do you know anything at all about texturing? Any info would be super helpful.
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