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Deus Ex Human Revolution Lab

polycounter lvl 4
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photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
Hi everyone! I'm working on an environment taken from concept art for Deus Ex Human Revolution. There are going to be a bunch of small props throughout the scene but for now I'm working on getting the main details of the scene built.
My goals for the project are:
- To create the windows and tiled floors.
- To create the robotic arms
- To finish the wall pieces
- To create various lab props

The goal is for me to make it look as much like the concept art as I can while also making a few changes to make it interesting. I'd love to get some feedback on how everything looks so far and any advice or tips you could give me to improve it would be awesome. Thanks a lot!


  • KazeoHin
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    KazeoHin polycounter lvl 8
    pictures not showing for me.
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks for letting me know. I fixed it, apparently the imgur links didn't have the file type at the end.
  • chrisavigni
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    chrisavigni polycounter lvl 12
    Nice choice! Subscribed!
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Thank you! I'll be posting updates soon.
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Here are some new screenshots. I'm almost done with the low poly models. I will upload a better lit version when my low polys are completed.UMI9Mkm.jpgZEQh9MK.jpgOlxX0pe.jpgc0X4Spl.jpghaGkVIQ.jpgGZ1v1po.jpg
  • Rhoutermans
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    Rhoutermans polycounter lvl 12
    Looks interesting, have fun :)
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Hey everyone I just got back from spring break and made a few modifications. I'm still working on things but I'd like to start having material definition by the end of the month. CCXhqDX.jpgmI1g6po.jpgJ1Beopp.jpgRLaMV68.jpg
  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    Looks nice keep on going :)
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Thank you! :D I'm learning a lot as I go along.
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Hi everyone! I just began assembling the UVs and laying down some basic textures. Diffuse,Spec,Normal,Emissive. I'm using modular textures for this which is something I have never done before. I'm enjoying this project so far. There's a lot more left to make but I wanted to make sure that I at least got the main space down before the late April deadline. ( I'll work on it during the summer to make it great for my portfolio )
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    I finished working on the UV layout for the floor pieces! The Pipes will be done when I do the next UV pass. I'm going to work on other parts of the project now and post what I come up with as soon as I have something substantial. Thanks!06P2nA8.jpgVOtiKa2.jpgHkSAUuZ.jpghj5BO7k.jpgmusL9vX.jpgwIR6t2R.jpg
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Hey all, it's been a while since I last updated this. I've had to divert my time to work on other projects so this update isn't as big as the last one. I finished the base textures of the robotic arm pieces today. Here are a few screenshots to show it's progress. KBIRB7u.jpgG0Jp7wu.jpg9iZRSpH.jpgEhIjw6v.jpgGi8UC1a.jpgyHROYUL.jpgQzRTcZl.jpg
  • luge
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    luge polycounter lvl 4
    i like how its coming. main comment though, at least right now as i'm only taking quick glance... that texture is too yellow. think of your reference, in deus ex, they don't really use yellow too often, at least not that bright, when you get to it, i'd change it to more of a yellow-orange and then paint over it. or how ever you like. but i think a yellow-orange would look better.
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    I think you're right. It might be caused by the color of the lights that are in the scene. I'll test it with standard color lights and see what happens. The spec is more of an orange.
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Here are some screenshots of the new walls. I plan on finishing them tomorrow. YJU6aQY.jpggYblB3o.jpg
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Here's an update on how my walls are coming along. I still need to do the emissive maps but i'm liking the new style. There's some negative space I need to deal with as well.
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    I'm experimenting with lights. Thinking of having blue emissives in the scene.
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Here's where it stands right now

  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Hi everyone, I've made significant progress over the past few days. There's still a bunch of work left to do though. I'm very excited with where this is going so far.DNjr3Rp.jpgm4WUFSH.jpgfwK1s9z.jpgC4ZckbK.jpg
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Some progress has been made but I'm having trouble figuring out how to make the textures more interesting. It feels like something is lacking to me.rzN3PRt.jpgIpMDd96.jpgkORuXxP.jpgLKGGTJp.jpgg0tlovp.jpg
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    I'm getting closer to completion. Balancing work and art time has proven difficult. I plan on being at a point where I can happily walk away from this for a while in the next few days.
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Here's my final Wip update. I'm calling the project done. I've learned a lot about what to do and what not to do and I think I've spent enough time on this to say I'm ready to move on to something new. Thanks for sticking with me! kINogQj.jpg2vsILJZ.jpgKMx1oNX.jpgzsilbtW.jpgmiZnmI8.jpg5LYtDSW.jpghEuazsK.jpgxkAht83.jpgQq0hz1V.jpg
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    It's looking good but I think there's a few things you could probably do to take it one step further from where it is now.

    Overall the scene is kind of difficult to read or focus on any particular part. I think a large part has to do with the rather uniform lighting you have currently setup.

    Everything is lit in a very even manner, and I think it would work to your advantage to emphasize certain parts a little bit more than others.

    I did a quick paintover in photoshop. I hope you don't mind and it isn't necessarily what you have to go for. Oa1nYMM.jpg
    It's basically just bumping up the contrast slightly and making the area around the sign lighter than the rest to provide more of a focal point. I had changed the floor glass to orange just to show that maybe you can use a little bit more color variation, as of right now everything is very blue/grey besides the floor and the touch of yellow on the sign.

    If you'd like to add rather than change, maybe think about an industrial setting and how most labs have about 500000000000000000000 safety posters, NO SMOKING SIGNS, EYE PROTECTION REQUIRED, 000 Days Since Last Accident (with blood on it of course ;) ), caution strips, etc. which add both a sense of life, detail, color variation, and identity to a place.

    They're not too time-consuming to make since they're simply planes with an opacity mask or just a decal, and can be rather fun to make and place.

    Probably my biggest issue with the main room is the floor, and how the blue material is very hard to guess what it is. It sort of looks like glass, but then it sort of looks like a television floor due to the lack of shadows it's receiving.

    You could probably break up that giant floor a bit more by playing with how the lights are casting shadows as well. Maybe place in some spotlights that create a nice long shadow across the floor so the scene has a bit more value interest. Playing around with the post-processing options could also help make a little more interest in the overall exposure, lighting, and color such as a dark industrial room with selective spotlights or a slightly overexposed/"modern" clean lab.

    Just some suggestions and my 2 cents.

    Keep it up!
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Wow thanks! I appreciate the effort you went through to illustrate the changes. I'm still learning the ins and outs of Unreal Engine and haven't learned about the post processing options yet. When I go back to it to repair/touch up things for portfolio time I'm going to make sure to pay attention to those kinds of things.

    I'm curious about the post processing things you mentioned, in class we are going to be using Unreal 4 but I wonder if UDK and Unreal 4 will handle those things similarly. There's more to study! :D
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Yeah that's basically what happened. I was making it for my Advanced Seminar class and my professors and classmates suggested that I change it to be different from the concept. They wanted me to use it as a base. It's the first full sized environment I've created. :)
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Ah I was taking a class where we got to make our own project. It took longer than the semester to get this far due to other classes and work getting in the way but I'm happy with the result. I'm going to come back to it and fix it up before my senior year completes so I can have it in my portfolio.
  • urgaffel
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    urgaffel polycounter lvl 17
    It's a great start but 4000 pixels wide at 3Mb each is a bit overkill. My monitor is 1920 so I can see between half and a third of your image at full resolution and my connection isn't fibre so it takes a while to download them all. Any chance you could keep the size to sub 2k in the future?
  • photonarbiter
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    photonarbiter polycounter lvl 4
    Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Sure thing! I'll be sure to scale the images down in the future.
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