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Sketchbook: Jean-Luke Parshall

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Valtyr polycounter lvl 11
I'm a recent Game Art & Design Grad from Portland. I thought that keeping a sketchbook of my daily progress where others could see it would help me achieve my goal of doing one decent model a day. And today felt like a good day to start.

Critiques are welcome.

Final Fantasy Black Mage

tri's: 2290
vert's: 1251



  • Valtyr
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    Valtyr polycounter lvl 11
    Was just kinda surfing around for a cool "non-fantasy" sword and came across Snake eyes sword. So I did a quick model based on this image.


    340 tri's
  • Valtyr
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    Valtyr polycounter lvl 11

    Stone sculpting practice. Crits welcome. =)

  • Valtyr
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    Valtyr polycounter lvl 11
    Hello all,

    So last December (13) I started to work on my art foundations again (proportion, perspective, est) I've posted to my blog more or less every day. With at least one figure study every day. So currently I'm trying to get out more studies and drawing from imagination on the day to day. I am working primarily on the female figure, and starting to sprinkle in more industrial topics. My aim is to hopefully get good enough within the coming months that I can realize a comic I've been working on to a decent artistic finish.

    I'm not going to post all the stuff from December until now, you can find that on my blog http://valtyrtriit.blogspot.com/

    I will be posting my studies from today on though.

    I would appreciate any tips/pointers/or general guidance I can get, Thank you.

    If I draw more than one sheet of studies I will post them oldest to newest. On my studies I label photo or drawn reference with a "r#" if it is out of my head I label it with an "I#".

    Here are today's studies. I am working on getting over avoiding faces in my figure studies. So I am starting with eyes, and then I'll start adding in the features as I get comfortable drawing and placing them.


  • Valtyr
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    Valtyr polycounter lvl 11
    Studying for midterm in a few hours so not really any time to do studies today, but here are some quick exploratory attitude sketches of a character I'm developing. Plus good practice drawing mostly from imagination. As the majority of my drawings are from photo reference.


    I almost forgot, I did a quick I painting while I was helping a friend code today XD

  • Valtyr
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    Valtyr polycounter lvl 11
    Procrastinating on homework hah so I did some feet studies.

  • Frawmus
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    Keep up the work, it all is looking pretty nice (except the foot r4 I have no idea what's going on there)
  • Valtyr
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    Valtyr polycounter lvl 11
    Todays studies and some quick figure sketches.

  • jacksteel
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    Awesome dude, love the sword and gravestone!
  • Valtyr
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    Valtyr polycounter lvl 11
    @Frawmus Thanks, I've been working hard at improving. Ya I don't really know what I was doing with r4 either haha.

    @Jack Thank you the gravestone was pretty fun to sculpt

    So I've been pretty busy with midterms and all. Not a lot of time to draw, but try to fit it in when I can.

    The more I practice the more I feel I need to start drawing from imagination a Lot more. My drawings from reference are getting stronger and faster, but my ones from imagination still feel like I haven't internalized any of the structures I look at on the day to day to a sufficient degree to draw without a guiding image. I feel lost when I draw from my head.

    Here are some sketches from the bus. Trying to exercise my brain and come up with poses that feel like they could work if I put meat on them.

    i1 was just me trying to remember what the human body looks like. It was early, i just woke up.

    Feb 12


    Feb 13: More poses


    Feb 14-15
    r2 was from Kiss good-bye by wlop Glimpsed it and got the urge to see if I could capture the body quickly. So drawn it was.

  • Valtyr
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    Valtyr polycounter lvl 11
    Was trying to draw poses from my head. Half way through I realized I couldn't draw a circle on my tablet... like at all. I kept getting slanted ovals! moved the tablet farther to my drawing hands side, didn't work. Switched ghosting directions, didn't work. Moved the tablet to my lap, didn't work! Was trying to hit a circle, erasing then trying again, and again. kinda lost sight of my goal. Wasted my drawing time for the day on that.

    I think If I have time today I will actually get up and act out poses to see if I can capture the feeling of it on digital paper.

    Feb 16
  • Valtyr
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    Valtyr polycounter lvl 11
    been continuing to work on capturing images from my imagination and accurately portraying them on paper (more or less) Also picked up more computer science grading work so that is keeping me really busy. That and procrastination on largish projects until the last second. But I always seem to get them done on time with a nice amount of polish so that's good right?

    Since I was on a bouncing bus, none of these were from reference.

    Feb 17


    Feb 18-19

  • Valtyr
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    Valtyr polycounter lvl 11
    Haven't posted for a few days since I haven't had much time to draw. Finals are creepen up week after next and I have post midterms this week to finish. Anywho, here are a few of the scribbles I've done while away.






    Feb 28
  • Valtyr
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    Valtyr polycounter lvl 11
    I felt like my skill wasn't growing anymore, so I decided to change it up and build some more confidence with form studies via sculpting. This first few are going to be off the top of my head without reference.
    My primary focus was the major forms of the chest and hips. I started with a light-box sphere. This was my first sculpt it was about 20 minutes to get the base form and 30 minutes with details.

    major forms for this one took about 5 minutes, and spent about 2 hours on details.

  • Valtyr
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    Valtyr polycounter lvl 11
    I started a project the day before last to create Chibi conversions of females I consider to be heroes from games and movies, with some relatively small design alterations. The character below is based on a character that isn't really a hero but she has saved my life more than once. She is the Guardian of the Gateless!
    It's been a while since I modeled. So while I was thumbnailing I thought why not model these as well? I'm not totally happy with with the model yet. The hands, legs, and feet in particular. I think I might change those bits to be more like bubbly not sure.
    I've been toying with a few different color schemes but I still do not know what I'm going to do. I would like an analogous purple, or perhaps gold black and white?

  • Valtyr
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    Valtyr polycounter lvl 11
    At the Wizards of the Coast grand prix in Portland the other day and was having a chat with a lady about the portrayal of Liliana and Garruk. She thought the design of the storytelling was lazy. So I got to thinking, how else could that cards name be interpreted? Here are my first couple of ideas on the phrase.
    Working sketches for a redesign of the magic the gathering card "Triumph of Ferocity"

    Design 01

    Design 02

    As Always comments and feedback always welcome!
  • Valtyr
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    Valtyr polycounter lvl 11
    Here is a hand painted shield I have been working on for the past few days. I'm trying to get it to high or professional market quality for sale. I don't really have any directions other than it is a hand painted shield, so not sure what it's scale is, a buckler or tower shield.

    Anyway, Here are some of the dev images of me noodling. I'll add more updates as I progress. You can find more stuff at my blog if interested.



    I was towing around with having something wrap over the shield, thought some red clothe or something might be cool.


    This is the stage I am currently at. I'm more or less ok with were it is. But I don't feel it's quality is high enough to sell yet. So i'm still trying to make the texture better. Since it is hand painted I am going to try and push it more in that direction. As right now it, to me looks somewhere between hand painted and photo refed. It is also slightly hard to look at. I'm thinking because there is no focal point for my eyes to rest and I'm forced to take in the whole shield all the time. It could also use some material help as to me it doesn't quite feel like steel and gold leaf trim to me.


    That's all folks! I appreciate any feedback or crits.
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