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Lumphini Garden - BF4 shots

polycounter lvl 17
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3dflasher polycounter lvl 17
Hey guys, just wanted to share some shots from my level that was in the latest BF4 map pack called "Dragons Teeth" while working at Dice LA. I was the level owner for this map, meaning I was responsible for building it, compositionally laying it out, performance balancing and just overall responsible for building the level with my designer :). I worked in conjunction with object artists to get some of the unique items made for this map also tag teamed set dressing some spots with other level artist to dress out the sheer mass of this huge map. I'm posting shots of areas where I feel I had the most work in. Most of the objects in the map are variations of objects that are in the battlefield game already. Hope you guys like it.



  • james swanson
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    james swanson polycounter lvl 5
    Ah cool! I've got ~500 hours clocked in on BF4. Unfortunately DT stutters like crazy for me. I really like the map though! So did were you responsible for adding the bridge collapse/mudslide? Or is that someone elses job?
  • 3dflasher
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    3dflasher polycounter lvl 17
    Hey James make sure you have the latest video card drivers...Dragons Teeth should be running buttery smooth, trust me ;)

    I came up with the idea of having a landslide for the levolution and made an early prototype just to prove to everyone that:

    1. I'm not that crazy :)
    2. It was actually possible to do it.

    I worked closely with the vfx guys and gave them a zbrush sculpted mesh of the actual huge mud land mass and they really knocked it out of the park after that. With their efforts, they made the best levolution in BF4 hands down. They have trees falling, birds flying away, water towers breaking, retaining wall breaking, and mud screen effects. It's impressive to see and they are the ones truly responsible for making that an amazing spectacle.
  • james swanson
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    james swanson polycounter lvl 5
    Hmmm, Shanghai runs buttery smooth, but the DT maps make me go down to ~15fps. I'll try a driver update later today. I notice your avatar represents the Fibonacci sequence :D
    Did you have any role in the Phantom Project?
    Also, I'm new here, and I'm trying to get in touch with people in the industry for some guidance/direction. College really isn't an option or desire. My dream job is to model the guns/gadgets for shooters like Battlefield. Is there any advice you'd give to an aspiring game dev? I'm focusing all of my energy on modelling and texturing weapons right now, but I plan on doing a few vehicles and other props.

    Thanks for the info about the mudslide though, that's cool that that's there because of you!
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