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PBR Texture - Looking for some crits

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cromadbomber polycounter lvl 10
Hey folks. I decided to make a cracked concrete with some mud inside the cracks to push my PBR skills. Hopefully you can give me some crits.

I rendered the texture in few different environments. Here it is:


  • josh_lynch
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    josh_lynch interpolator
    Looks like a cool start. Appreciate the diff views for lighting situations.

    Can we see it on a rounded cube or flat plane also?

    So far there looks to be seperation between the concrete and mud which is good. Maybe add a light in the front so we can see how the concrete reacts to a hotter light?
  • cromadbomber
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    cromadbomber polycounter lvl 10
    Hey Josh, thanks for your comment. I also saw your rubber texture, looks very nice.
    I made a render in 5 different environments also texture maps (Albedo, Roughness and Normal). Here it is:

    Also some older textures that I made like a month ago I tho it was worth putting them here:
    The first one is supossed to be some sort of bumpy metal floor and the second one is metalic diamond pattern floor.
  • Cibo
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    Cibo polycounter lvl 10
    Okay, i think its maybe broken concrete.
    That i "think" about it is a bad sign. :)

    By broken concrete i think more about this:


    I think you can need more color details, more variety in the heigthmap in combination with maybe pebbles.

    The Texture looks very "plain" in the current state maybe because the color information is "plain" and the water/mud is plain too. Maybe make the color funky or change the mud/water into pebbles to break it up. It has this computer generated touch.
  • josh_lynch
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    josh_lynch interpolator
    Cool more renders!

    Are you using displacement? If so try to tone it back, it is stretching the concrete out far and making it appear doughy. I am looking at your normal map and it feels a lot different than the final output.

    In general I feel the concrete could feel a little bit rougher on its surface and at the edges. Also agree with Cibo that these albedo could have more variation.

    I also like that you have a complete absence of light information in the albedo.

    Keep going!
  • cromadbomber
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    cromadbomber polycounter lvl 10
    Thank you Cibo and Josh for the great feedback. I also agree that Albedo should have more variation in it. I am gonna do that tomorrow since here is kinda late. I think I am gonna paint more "greyish" concrete near the edges of the cracks similar to that tutorial. Also adding some pebbles in the dirt would be a good visual addon and would make it more interesting. And yea I am using displacements but I think I am gonna render it with parllax next time. Also what do you think about adding some tire tracks? I mean not fully visible but some really slight tire tracks for visual fidelity.
  • josh_lynch
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    josh_lynch interpolator
    I think the fact that your thinking creatively about it is fantastic. Try the tire tracks, they could make it feel lived in, and if they don't work well then on to something else :-).

    As for the parallax subtly so it affects the silhouette but doesn't take over the material.

    Look forward to the updates.
  • Moosebish
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    Moosebish polycounter lvl 12
    I think a big problem, too, is that the concrete is perfectly flat. Right now there are only 2 levels to this texture, the concrete and the mud. This texture would become far more interesting if you had some hunks of concrete pushed further in or tilted.

    Along with that, give some hunks of concrete a slightly different tint that the rest. The ones further down should be darker (cooler) and ones raising up should be brighter (warmer). This will had more variation to your, currently, brown and grey texture.

    I think its a great start to what will be a beautiful texture. Keep at it!
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