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Hand Painted props

Hi all,

I took a look at what i wanted to make for fun and perhaps one day get a job doing and I really like the hand painted look. Blizzards art has always appealed so I took a look at the sword prop tut by Tyson Murphy and using one of the concepts for the swords from that and a shield design by FirstKeeper I made the low poly assets in maya.

The textures painted in photoshop and I'm looking to get some feedback on how I'm doing.

The shield I've changed the hue in the texture to match the concept of the sword more as the gold was much more green in the concept.

Is it low poly enough? To low poly? Sword is 294 polys and the shield is 355.

What would you suggest to push this the last 20% to polish it?

Many thanks




  • Gazu
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    Gazu polycounter lvl 12
    Inspired from the 3DMotive Tutorial, or?
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    So, you've got a solid silhouette but there are two things I notice. First, your UVs could maybe be tightened a little bit so that you get some more texel density out of your texture. Second, while it is a good start you are missing some of the contrast between value and color. Right now your shield reads very flat in value. Notice in the concept that as the shield wraps it darkens. Not only that, but there are way more colors in the concept. Your missing some of the greening of the gold as well as the red color hues on the silver.

    Good start, but it could use some more love. Keep it up!
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    I personally think the UVs are fine. I do agree that your values could be pushed a bit more though. I would also either change the hue of the red straps or the wood on the back of the shield. The straps are getting lost against the wood and it's just not that pleasing to the eye.
  • Leinad
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    Leinad polycounter lvl 11
    Looking great! The UV spacing is fine, it doesn't jump out as an area where it needs adjustment for me personally.

    I would suggest concentrating on painting in more shadows so it doesn't look so flat in the viewport.

    Overall, you're doing a great job, keep it up!
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    The textures are looking pretty good, but personally I think the sword's design could use a little bit more thought in how someone would actually hold it and use it.

    As of now, the blade circling the hilt looks like it has a high chance of slicing the fingers off of the person using it in an actual battle.

    It also looks like it would be hard to balance holding it. If you look at some pictures of real curved swords you'd see that the handle is also usually curved in the opposite direction to prevent this.

    (Edit) whoops sorry I just realized you're using someone else's concept, but still those are my thoughts.
  • Imasho
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks guys

    praetus - I'll take that on board and add more colour to the metal as well as contrast overall for more 3D feel.

    Tobbo - Cool a contrasting colour for the straps could be blue right? Thanks for that

    Leinad - Thanks a lot I'll be pushing the contrast and values today.

    Gazu - yep I got the Murphy tutorial on 3D motive Thanks

    Deathstick - As about it was someone else concept I just picked it cause I liked it though I'm sure in reality it probably would be a s dangerous to the user lol. :)

    Cheers again guys appreciate the help and comments I'll get back to it now.
  • Imasho
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    Updated my textures for the handpainted sword and shield I was making.

    I thought I'd get some final feedback to take over to my next piece (hopefully better)

    Here it is:



    Thanks for looking
  • Crappuccino
    Offline / Send Message
    A lot better now with the added contrast. Really good looking texture you've got there. :poly121: :thumbup:

    The only thing I don't like that much is the green color of the, what I assume are, leather straps. Just doesn't feel like that's the kind of color that material would usually have. I think it would have been better to just make the wood lighter and the leather straps darker (or the opposite), but be of the same color.
  • Imasho
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks Crappuccino I appreciate the feed back. I'll move onto another prop now I think. Maybe something more complicated. :)
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