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Looking for Porflio Critics and suggestions

Hi PCs'

Good to see you guys again. Just two more weeks and i'm done with my school. I'm in job Hunter mode now. There is no better place than polycount to give suggestion for person like me to find a job. Even though I've couple of years of experience and worked in couple of title,getting a job in new country is no easy task.My priority is character modeling but i love modeling vehicles,weapons,props etc. All I need is your your valuable suggestions.http://harishrajan.weebly.com/


  • Xsim1
    Offline / Send Message
    Xsim1 polycounter lvl 4
    Hey harricool, congratulations for finishing school : )

    For the portfolio, one simple thing is that we can not click on the images on the main page to see more details, we need to go to the Portfolio panel and find the correct name of the work we want to see.

    Also, you shouldn't include all the work you did so far, only the best. Including your older school work might not be the best idea.

    Good luck with your job hunting : )
  • Shrike
    Offline / Send Message
    Shrike interpolator
    The frontpage is really irritating, and its not fun clicking through that dropdown menu.
    Just replace the frontpage with images that contain links to your projects, carbonmade style. The website itself looks good

    Cut the stuff you are the least sure off. Cut the cognition things, they dont look too great and the poses look super stiff and wonky. Cut the school stuff. Dont show the sketches neither. Even if they were amazing they would not matter too much unless they were incorporated into your 3d.

    You also need to look up some layouting basics, having your text laid out like this
    makes it look very unprofessional http://harishrajan.weebly.com/uploads/2/8/3/9/28396665/986673_orig.jpg
    (and differently on every pic on top of it. Also use a sans serif, your website does it too) You are an artist, this makes me question your
    artistic vision which is an important aspect.

    why is a wolfenstein fan model in a category for a high castle game.
    I also dont see any resemblance in your assets towards this high castle logo and background, implying desert and western (if its not western, then the person doing the logo did a poor job choosing fonts).
    It could be for your favor to cut the logo.

    The rocks also look soft and strange, i would not show them

    The characters seem pretty good for that youre graduation now, but you could use
    more polys especially at the girl, and youre missing ambient occlusion on most of them, making the lowpolies look awkward, but thats something you can fix.

    Dont show too many redundant pictures. dont repeately show the same multiple times on a page. Less is more and makes the user more likely to click something.

    Use the same blue background for your mobius stuff etc, grey background is a major turn off. Also all the heads
    are cut off in your preview images. You can also put multiple people in one picture if they are no hero chars.

    The about page looks rushed and bland, try pushing that up a little

    What is a Harish ? Is that your name, a nick, a cleaning product ? : P
    Not even on your about page is your name listed. Rethink your headliner
    and maybe seperate text with color. Ah and get your own domain.
    .weebly does not help, and its not expensive anyways.

    Good luck then !
  • harricool
    Offline / Send Message
    Thank you Xsim and Shrike. I really appreciate your help. I made the click option on images and removed my old stuffs. I'll give AO to my characters as well and change the fonts.
  • DireWolf
    Offline / Send Message
    Like your prop, very solid.

    You should place your texture next to the model. At a glance I can only tell the freight texture but not too sure what the other 2 belong to.
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Not bad for a student. I would say show more of your highres sculpt in your screenshot...maybe get a back shot in as well as front. Maybe work on the hair and rendering a little more.
  • AutoExit
    Offline / Send Message
    AutoExit polycounter lvl 9
    When in main page there is a rectangle with 4 images, but it looks like there is a room for 2 images more. You could change a layout of this images, try to make it look complete, without empty spaces.
  • harricool
    Offline / Send Message
    Changed the layout and rendered my Moebius character with different background. Polycounters are the best to provide timely help and suggestions. Few more corrections and about part is left..
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