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Question about Environment art portfolios

Hey guys,

I'm sure this has been answered before but my Google searches have come up empty. just wondering what's the general consensus about using pre-made assets that come with engines in a portfolio piece?

I currently have a great job as a junior 3D generalist but I want to focus on environments to eventually work at a AAA studio. One of the pieces I would like to do involves a large, open island terrain. The idea is to highlight my level design skills, and the focus will be on a structure, but obviously vegetation and foliage will surround it. Is it ok to use Cryengine's pre-made vegetation assets? Or will prospective employers dislike that?

Thanks for your help!


  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    Just make sure that you are very clear that the assets in the level are not done by you. Give credit where credit is due.

    While you could go this route, I would personally try and learn vegetation and foliage and make all of the work my own. Vegetation isn't that difficult.

    If you really wanted to just get things moving on your level and blocked out you could use the Cryengine vegetation as a placeholder and just replace it with your own later on?
  • Sebvhe
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    Sebvhe greentooth
    I agree with Tobbo, using the Cryengine vegetation as placeholder can be great to have an overview of your level and then you could later on replace it.

    Using pre-made assets isn't always a bad idea, but wanting to be an environment artist in a AAA studio and not wanting to create foliage seems a bit contradictory.
    Plus foliage is not that difficult, just make sure to have enough references and that you are not creating a new plant out of your mind (unless it is what you wanted).

    And if you still plan on using pre made assets, or even if you use them in Wips, always mention it. I don't know premade cry engine assets, but I would instantly recognise a premade UDK asset.
  • TheDutchbox
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    thanks for the replies! I would certainly give credit if I did use engine assets.

    It's definitely not about not wanting to do them myself, but more about the time. Work currently keeps me really busy and now just the amount of time it takes to learn new techniques, new engines, and do a ton of asset creation. It is really overwhelming me at the moment :(

    But yeah, an employer will not really care about that. I think I will model them myself. I would for sure love to say "All assets created by me" at the end of the project.
  • easterislandnick
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    easterislandnick polycounter lvl 17

    This tutorial is brilliant. Well worth the money. Revolutionized the way I make plants. It's for UDK but 95% is on the workflow for creating foliage so it's well worth it whatever engine.
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