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Starwars : Y-Wing Fighter

polycounter lvl 4
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Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
Hey guys, new to the site as a member. My first posting here. I've been working on a Y-Wing from Starwars for sometime. Difficult to fit the time in (its always to the way isn't it). I've started the texturing, I will say now that this is old skool :poly108: No PBR render materials, No Mudbox, No Z-Brush. This is Maya 2014/15, Photoshop CS6, Crazybump. Diffuse, Normal and Specs. I've been in the games industry for a long while and this is my farewell project to the old ways, before I take on the new PBR methods and modelling :)
I chose a suitably complex subject and its time consuming of course, but I love it. Here's the model and an example of the texturing, I'll post more as I finish various bits n bobs. Hope you guys like it... :)

Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 2. Also an AO render and a Maya Render of the textured sample:





Texturing sample...

The reference materials for the Y-Wing are pretty sketchy. Unlike the X-Wing which is very well documented in detail. So you do get a bit of freedom with some of the detailing elements :)

Anyway enjoy. I'll post more when I have it. Very much W.I.P at the moment.


  • locater16
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    locater16 polycounter lvl 8
    Ooh, looking very cool. This post, I like it,

  • chris89
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    chris89 polycounter lvl 10
    You better do this in PBR as well mr. B!

    Great work as always, still love the geo and how close you are to the real thing.
    Any plans to work up the front area with the panels?
  • JackNelson
    Very cool, loving the detail in the smaller areas eg. the cockpit. How closely did you follow the references for the mechanical rear section? I'm guessing there's no shortage of reference material for star wars craft haha.
  • Dethmunk
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    Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
    When I finish I may do a conversion to PBR materials. I just want to get the old skool methods out of my system :poly121:

    Thanks Jack, the problem is that all the reference material is different even with in the films they look different to each other. So I took the best looking ones and mixed them together and added my own bits to fill any gaps. I mostly used ref from particularly good model kit versions I found online any conflicting detail and I try to fall back on film reference.
    Basically its as authentic as any other version can claim to be :poly124:
    The cockpit is just a minefield as there is literally very few reference shots, tbh in the films I think they spent no time or money on them, because they have very little screen time. So I've pretty much made that up, but kept some of the elements I saw in the film clips.

  • Dethmunk
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    Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
    @Chris, yeah that's a distinct possibility as texturing can only get it so far. I think it would probably benefit from some additional modelling on the cabin for sure. :)

    Also as a cheeky Easter egg type thingy, anyone recognize the flight controller stick in the cabin shot, you need to be retro to know what that is.... :)
  • Auldbenkenobi
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    Auldbenkenobi polycounter lvl 11
    This is looking sick! What kind of reference do you use for all the mechanical details in the engines and such? I tried making a Podracer a while back but found it pretty frustrating considering the lack of consistent "in universe" reference.
  • Xaragoth
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    Xaragoth polycounter lvl 8
    That brings back some memories :D Looking forward to the final result! :)
  • Slave_zero
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    Slave_zero polycounter lvl 8
    the cockpit looks quite fragile with the turret on top. I would say close the windows on the backside area of the cockpit or give the turret a solid base that extends into the cockpit area.

    Great job on the piece. Interested how this will turn out.
  • Suba
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    Suba polycounter lvl 5
    Holy mama that's sweet !
  • Dethmunk
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    Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
    @Auldbenkenobi - Mostly I used photos taken of 'official' and 'unofficial' models/model kits. One in particular seemed pretty consistent. Photos from clips of the film (original theatrical release). But even these where inconsistent with each other. There's a scene in the hanger with Solo walking past a full practical version and that looks different to the miniatures use in the film. :) So mine is a mixture of all the versions I've found and that seem to have most consistent parts, the rest is 'filled' in by me :) the undercarriage for instance is non-existent apart from the forward cockpit pad (which is not shown in these shots, but is modelled) the rear struts are made-up by me in the most logical way I think they would be. :)

    @Slave_Zero, agreed but all the ref I found definitely shows no connection inside the cockpit. So therefore they must only be roof mounted and controlled remotely. :) To be fair there is next to no film ref of the cockpit apart from some quick clips of them blowing up. From what I can piece together, they was no real thought put into them as they had such short screen time. So I've 'expanded' on them and made the cockpit much more interesting and substantially more detailed. :)

    Thanks guys, gonna keep plowing on. :)
  • Dethmunk
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    Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
    @Suba - Love that Avatar LOL brilliant btw. :D
  • Dethmunk
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    Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
    @Auldbenkenobi - You should check out Ben Keeling's Sebulba's Pod Racer. Posted in this forum. I worked with him and saw him building it in his spare time at work. Awesome model. Looks sweet. :)
  • Fwap
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    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    Dude, that's amazing.
    Are you going to put an astromech droid in there?
  • Dethmunk
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    Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
    @Fwap - You know what, I just might ;)
  • Elith2
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    Elith2 polycounter lvl 9
    Digging this, look forward to more updates. :)
  • Dethmunk
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    Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
    More will come Elith2. For sure.
  • Dethmunk
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    Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
    Here's a few stills of the cockpit. It's not super detailed stuff, but for what you'll see of it in the end, maybe it doesn't need to be any more complex than it is. Once textured up it should look pretty cool I hope. :)




    Right well better stop typing and posting pics about this and get on with doing some sh*t about it. :)
  • Dethmunk
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    Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
    Hi, been doing some more texturing, its coming along slowly, mainly because of working lates and the insane heat when I get home at the moment :poly124:

    Anyway here's a Maya viewport shot of whats going on. Mostly Widget/greeble texturing for now. The main hull is a blanket texture for now, just so there's some sort of background to look at :)


    Here is a quick render too, with an AO composite overlayed. Again from Maya via Mental Ray.


    Onward and upwards as they say.... :D ...or more like keep on trucking.

    Cheers guys.
  • achillesian
    please model porkins as well

  • Dethmunk
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    Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
    Ha ha ha I'm no character modeller, but wasn't he an X-Wing pilot? ;)
  • JackNelson
    Dethmunk wrote: »
    Ha ha ha I'm no character modeller, but wasn't he an X-Wing pilot? ;)

    Some star wars fanboys would have an absolute meltdown if you put an x-wing pilot in a y-wing, better not take that chance
  • Dethmunk
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    Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
    ha ha ha exactly it would be sacrilege. :D Just saw the new X-Wing or is it a T-Wing fighter on a charity video message by J.J. Abramms could be a future modelling project there, maybe. :)
  • Dethmunk
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    Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
    After a long break, starter a new job in London last year, so time has been non existent. I'm back in the Y-Wing seat and its started to move forward again. Hopefully I'll have this done before the new Star Wars Film is out :D!!

    Here's a quick grab from Maya Viewport 2.0

  • excalibers_echo
    Now thats exactly what i would love to do, just far from that level by a long way..

    Outstanding, will the mesha ever become available.
  • Dethmunk
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    Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
    Hey guys, its been a long while. Been doing all sorts of stuff. Well I finally returned to my Y-Wing project. I've jettisoned the idea of texturing this the old fashioned way. It was just taking waaaaaaaaaaay too long.  :D   I've since discovered Substance Painter and man its so much quicker. Less than a day and I got the engine textured. I might actually finish this thing...  ;)
    Check it out....

  • Dethmunk
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    Dethmunk polycounter lvl 4
    Started on the Cockpit. Still a ways to go, but its coming along nicely.  :)

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