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First successful zBrush sculpt...after many hard falls

polycounter lvl 6
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spectre1130 polycounter lvl 6
So this is a WIP that is just about done on the sculpt faze. I have to start painting and posing him for class. I am pretty happy with him for the most part, but know there are probably still some little anatomical errors-I struggle with forearms and upper legs somewhat. Also some of the detailing could need some touch up. Sorry if the bluish renders are not your style. I was just experimenting with comping some renders from zBrush and playing with them in PS.

Eyes are not set in stone yet. Just messing around to see what I like.

All crit and comments welcome please. Zbrush has been a very steep learning curve for me.

Concept-deviated from a bit.



  • spectre1130
  • spectre1130
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    spectre1130 polycounter lvl 6
    Finished HP and polypaint with a little presentation BG. Still working on the LP bakes/LP meshes and such. That is still very WIP.
  • Jeffrotull
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    Jeffrotull polycounter lvl 3
    This is very good to call your first success. Congrats, and I hope to see more from you.
  • AlphaMix
    Ik it's a WIP, but just in case...

    Blending the polypaint colors in some areas might give it a more natural look instead of looking like artificial bodypaint.

    The indentation on the chin is a little extreme when compared to thedrawing, so much so it actually looks like the mouth. Ha! Now you can' t stop seeing it!

    I disliked zbrush when I first started using it, but now that I have a more complex understanding, I love it so much. love the high poly skin details.
  • spectre1130
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    spectre1130 polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks ya'll. I do see that the indent could use a once over. It is a little distracting. I'm going to redo the LP version and maps/bakes etc, as that did not come out so well for my final presentation. I have a few days till the next semester starts, but don't have ZBrush or a tablet at home so that part will have to come on some "free time" when at school-if that time will even exist.

    Yes, Zbrush has defeated me extensively. I could just not wrap my head around the ztools workflow, or the brushes and how to use them properly for that matter. Everything in that program is just so darned reverse from everything I've learned in 3D thus far.

    And like I said too, the LP sucked and the textures and all just looked pretty bad on it. I had normal map errors all over the place. HP to LP is an area I struggle with in general. There is just soooooo much to learn and get right.
  • AlphaMix
    Yah, happened to me too. Not sure how you approached the low poly creation, but Zremesh + reproject details works wonders, and if you don't like the way it comes out, you can give the remesher some topology hints by simply drawing some curves.

    There were some threads around here which explained how to get the best normal map bakes, but something to remember is: the closer the LP is to the High, the better the bakes. I think that thread is in the technical section, can't miss a sticky thread.
  • Suba
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    Suba polycounter lvl 5
    Next time I think you should focus on the forms and the overall shape before sculpting the details. I think you jumped on the details way too soon but your overall shape is kinda blobby.
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