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What would you charge to remake this?

polycounter lvl 17
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tremulant polycounter lvl 17
I've been out of the 3d world for a bit, and have been working on my 2d, but recently I got a new client who is looking for something nearly identical to this. How much would you charge to make this video completely. 3d, rendering, animations, delivery. I wouldn't have to deal with the client at all really since there is an intermediary and the script for the video would be provided. (I'm guessing that includes storyboarding until they get back to me.

Here is the vid - [ame]www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNAVBDMPl14[/ame]

I'm thinking of charging around $30 an hour, and I'd estimate it will take me a couple days, so somewhere around $1000 sound right?


  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    $1000 sounds fair to me. Though I'd probably charge 25 and hour and take a full work week to finish it; I feel like rendering and compositing the video would take at least 3 days when you include trial and error. But if youve done this sort of thing before then thats not a problem : D

    EDIT: Okay, the video is 5 minutes long so I guess that could take awhile (im not a compositor)

    2 weeks might be more accurate?

  • tremulant
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    tremulant polycounter lvl 17
    Good point Selaznog, I really appreciate the input! @25 a day for a full week @8 hour days, that would be $1400 which also looks reasonable.
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    tremulant wrote: »
    Good point Selaznog, I really appreciate the input! @25 a day for a full week @8 hour days, that would be $1400 which also looks reasonable.

    Keep in mind I meant full work week, so just five days (40 hours). So about $1000

    And no prob!
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  • tremulant
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    tremulant polycounter lvl 17
    Hehe, Teriyaki,I'm currently in Ecuador, and have next to no expenses. And no, I have been pretty much freelancing for the same company since I started in the field, so I don't have a good idea of what biomedical costs.
    15k sounds pretty steep to me, but it seems you are pretty confident of what to charge. Like I said it's been quite a while since I've done rendered work like this , so I felt I needed to take a census of what others were doing.
    I think I need some more people to chime in before settling on a price. I honestly think I could do this in a week, since the planning would be taken out of it by following the other videos layout. But it would definitely be better to have 2 weeks - 1 month for the whole thing.

    Really appreciate the comment TeriyakiStyle, it's given me more to think about-
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  • Super
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    Super polycounter lvl 18
    You're having a laugh at 1k for that. Talk about being bent over.. or rather you're actually offering to. No wonder companies think we'll work for nothing.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Just getting a voice actor to do this would cost half your 1k budget.
  • tremulant
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    tremulant polycounter lvl 17
    Teriyaki, Like I said, I have been away from doing this kind of work for a long time. I came to polycount to ask what you guys usually charge. There is no reason to make baseless insinuations into my reputability. When I mentioned my expenses, I don't really have any. We stay in a house that our friends own and need house sat, so it's free. The weather here is 70s year round, so I pay about 7 dollars for that a month. Gas is about 4 dollars every 2 months. Food is Less than 100 a month for my wife and I, so expenses are very very very low.
    I'm very glad to have your input, but I could do without the mud slinging. I simply asked what you guys would do this for. This is obviously why I didn't come to them immediately with a number.
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  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Wait so you guys think this is worth $15,000? At $30/hour that's 3 months of full time work. That seems like a lot of time to me (assuming OP has payed off software already)
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 9
    This doesn't seem overly complex. I might charge closer to $40-$50 an hour and estimate a little more time just in case of unexpected difficulties or something but it still wouldn't work out to anything near $15,000 for me and I live in the US and would make a decent living with that. I know artists with more experience (10+, maybe?) and high quality work/reputation may estimate using something closer to a $100/hr figure though.

    Anyway, I'm just kinda thinking out loud there. I think your $1,000 estimate may be a little on the low side but I don't think it falls into the category of ludicrously low and ruining it for the rest of us. I knew dudes from art school taking jobs like this for around $200-$300, which was definitely screwed up.
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    If I knew all the software comfortably to pull that off it would take me a month. The animation with the elements moving thorough the tubes and the later one with the line can be done in 2D. That said, I'd probably want $5K minimum and at least a month lead time.
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  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    new lifegoal: move to Ecuador, freelance, take 9 months of vacation a year
  • cman2k
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    cman2k polycounter lvl 17
    I've done a little freelance before as side-work with software I already own, and I've charged in the $30/hr range.

    They key for me was giving them my hourly rate and an estimate on the time/cost, with the clarification that if they had a ton of feedback / requested a lot of changes, that would affect the end time/cost.

    In the end they did have a lot of feedback and change requests, and it did cost them a lot more than I originally quoted, even though I technically finished in the time/cost I quoted.

    This is the important part. You think it will take a certain amount of time but cover your ass. Make sure they know if they ask for stuff that takes you an extra week, they will have to pay for that. Don't get caught in a trap of "your quote was $X i'm not paying you more.'

    I won't speak to the actual time this could take as I'm not familiar with the work...but make sure you give yourself ample time. Time and a half, as it were. Especially if you aren't sure of all the processes.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    katana wrote: »
    If I knew all the software comfortably to pull that off it would take me a month. The animation with the elements moving thorough the tubes and the later one with the line can be done in 2D. That said, I'd probably want $5K minimum and at least a month lead time.

    It would take you an entire month, and you'd only ask for 5k????????
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Ah, I didn't know there was audio attached. That would add a lot also.

    "You're assuming $30 per hour is a fair rate for freelance. I'm charging $70 minimum at this point. And that's low for certain bids it all depends on the job. (I usually look for $35ish for in house because a lot of your expenses are taken care of for you plus investment options and other perks)"

    That's a good chunk of info right there!

    I guess it's also important to consider that the person should know they are hiring a multitalented artist for this job, so OP could probably charge more per hour based on that.
  • tremulant
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    tremulant polycounter lvl 17
    Hey guys, thanks for the good input Shiniku, katana, Teriyaki, and Los Man! I knew time would be a major factor, but I guess I hadn't thought about it enough. I'm gonna give myself a month to do it. Should be more than enough based on other similar work I've done in the past.

    I sent them over a figure based on all then info and how much time I think it's gonna take me. Thanks again dudes -

    Also - the audio won't be required.
  • battlecow
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    battlecow polycounter lvl 12
    You'll be working at least 3 weeks on this and probably more since you haven't worked with 3D in a long time. It looks simple but getting everything to play smoothly will take a lot of time.
    This is a typically what a Generalist does. It requires different skills and a good deal of experience to pull it off quickly.
    Remember that the client WILL ask for iterations/changes and you might have to rely on a render farm to produce quick results and that costs money so charging 1000$ is like giving them the work for free (I suppose you'll be rendering in vray or the like and HD quality).
    There's also heavy editing in after effects you'll have to take that into account too.

    Don't work more then 10 hours a day on it though, corporate stuff fucks with your mind (it kills your soul :) )

    As for the price it depends on your country's average and your experience I guess. Where I live (europe)To produce a 5 minutes long HD video I wouldn't charge less then 8k euros (11k$)and I would hire people for the audio and editing (making it not look/sound amateurish/cheap takes quite some skill and I know I wont learn how to do that in 3 weeks).

    EDIT: didn't see your answer, dont mind me then :)
    Gl on the project
  • Clos3d
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    Clos3d polycounter lvl 17
    4355$ + Audio (TBD)

    -Including 1 review
  • tremulant
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    tremulant polycounter lvl 17
    Well dudes, I was outbid . Turns out someone else is doing it for $2,000. Probably someone in India. They said he isn't an animator. Hate to see what they turn up with:D Thanks for the help gents, and luckily I have more than enough work to not be bummed about it.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    I personally think it could be done very easily, render time would take the longest, making the things move through the tubes is very easy with proxy tubes and n-particles simply laid over in after effects and using some blending and masks. Modeling it well might take a bit and texturing it, using v-ray could make it pretty easy to get a good lighting setup, maybe about 2 days for that and then setting up your camera movements and such. I really think about two weeks max would be appropriate and I would charge around 2500. No im not factoring in software and things like that. It's a fairly simple looking thing imo.

    Edit: saw the stomach stuff and all that, yeah a solid months work would be needed.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    ......... Really wanna see the end result work of $2k quote, and say, a $15k quote work. Would be a real shame if they look very similar in quality !!!!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The time it would take depends on how much total animation work there is. A lot of the moving particles could be done in post in 2D. A lot of it contains still frames, only 3 or 4 unique meshes, a few camera animations, 2 complicated cutting and moving animations, but it still really only adds up to 30 seconds or less of 3d animation. You could probably do all of the 3d work in a week. The presentation and composting might take just as long though to get right if you don't do a lot of it.
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