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Portfolio critique/feedback

polycounter lvl 4
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TheEyeOfTerror polycounter lvl 4
Hi everyone I updated my portfolio a little wile ago and I am look feedback on it. Take a look and tell me what you think. Be as kind or as brutal as you want. Thanks! http://mshend.carbonmade.com/


  • Meloncov
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    Meloncov greentooth
    First of all, by just having props, instead of full environments, you're limiting the jobs you're eligible for by a lot.

    On the warjack, it looks like you're relying too heavily on dDo for textures; the weathering seems to be generated by algorithm without much thought about where would actually get worn out, and the scale doesn't feel quite right. Spend some time looking at worn and battle-damaged tanks and APCs.

    On the lightening rod, your material definition could use work; what's clearly copper in the reference looks more like either gold (on the rod itself) or painted metal (on the fins) on your model. Also, again, the weathering and damage don't make a ton of sense; the fins have a lot of damage, but the drill bit itself looks totally pristine.

    The grenade launcher is definitely your best piece. It's looking really awesome.
  • DWalker
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    You really should include at least your name in the banner; at the moment, most viewers will have no clue about the purpose of the site unless they visit the "About" section.

    You should include your name & e-mail on each of your images.

    The "Colossal" is inefficient. 30k is by no means excessive in general, but it seems more than you need for this model. The UV layout is mostly empty space - around 52% - and many of the smaller pieces could probably be merged. The texture itself feels more like plastic than metal.

    The wear patterns on the lightning pod don't match those in the concept. Most of the concept's wear consists of deep scratches.

    The text descriptions need proof-reading. In several places, you use present-tense instead of past-tense, and using "cross" instead of "across".

    The about section also has numerous errors. Among others, you've misspelled "Baltimore" and used "Unites" instead of "Units".
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Your highpoly of the gun is way too sharp and didnt bake well as result, aside it looks pretty fine
    That titan needs to go, the textures could use a lot of work, the render looks good tho, but you cannot show such a UV anyways. Looks like you used auto unwrap and left it that way, thats something you cannot show anyone. The revolvers UV is similar, not as bad, but theres a lot of wasted UV space. Try learning proper texturing so you get something done if you cannot use DDO or such. Youll need it anways, because procedural only dosnt cut it.
    Id just say continue working and it will all come along if you do not ignore things.
    Also dont pick any fantasy things in the next time, you need real stuff, and its valued more and you cannot take shortcuts + people can relate.
  • robochrish
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    robochrish polycounter lvl 9
    These are looking good, but as the people above have said, don't rely on DDO.
    When it comes to unwrapping, it really is worth the time to sit and do a bunch of tutorials on unwrapping techniques and really learn how to unwrap efficiently.
    Other than that the modelling itself is great! Keep it up ^_^
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