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Gerlin Duota

polycounter lvl 7
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Uzziel polycounter lvl 7
Hey everyone,

Here is an asset (done by "Hanakai Studio" for "Prodigy" the game) I've textured to demonstrate a pipeline with Substance Designer.

The idea was to create a simple template to texture the character.
It takes the mesh informations (ao, curvature,normal,mask baked in SD), different base materials and blend them together to have something adapted to the mesh.




And here is a quick turntable:



  • Torch
    Offline / Send Message
    Torch interpolator
    Fek that's cool! Random q, how are you finding Substance Designer in regards to boosting your character workflow compared to Photoshop?
  • SaboR1996
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    SaboR1996 polycounter lvl 8
    That shield is probably one of the coolest shields ever
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 13
    This is really nice. Dig the way you handled the faces.
  • SergeiMirminski
  • Uzziel
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    Uzziel polycounter lvl 7
    Hi guys, thanks for the feedbacks!

    Torch: As I work at Allegorithmic (and do some product design on SD too), my opinion is necessary biased. But I will try to answer your question in an objective way : )
    Substance Designer is "natively" dedicated to texturing so once you know how to use it, it's really quicker than doing it using Photoshop. You have all you need directly in the same software.
    Some of the points that differentiate it:
    The pipeline that is non linear: you can adjust a material/add details/modify your mesh UVs at any step. The textures will follow automatically the modifications.
    The 3D view with direct visual feedback on your model.
    The baking tools (even if you can do it in another soft, if you reimport your mesh, you can rebake all the baked maps at the same time).
    You can also import bitmaps, or export bitmaps, so SD and PS are not incompatible ;)

    SaboR1996: Yep, it was designed by Hanakai, they did a nice job on it. :)

    LRoy: Thanks. I only did the texturing part so I'm not sure about the "faces" you talk about?

    The pipeline was pretty "classic":
    Use 3dsMax to set a color for each material (fabric, skin, leather, etc.) for the future mask.
    In Substance Designer : import the mesh and bake all the necessary informations (mask based on the colors previously set, AO, Curvature,etc.)
    Create some base materials in SD (as the style is not photorealistic, they are really simple).
    Blend them together using the mask, and add some mesh informations.
  • SaboR1996
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    SaboR1996 polycounter lvl 8
    Seeing this I might have to pick up a trial of SD, this looks sweet.
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