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Texturing help?!?!

i am god awful at texturing i mean maybe if i spend 3 hours i could make a half decent crappy cartoon wood ... but i want to know how people texture complex models of even semi complex like a human or something because im obviously doing something wrong because im just terrible... maybe if some of you tell me how you texture your models? idk anything that helps


  • slosh
    Offline / Send Message
    slosh hero character
    Uhhh, theres no secret to texturing...sure some people are faster than others but handpainting is handpainting...just practice and use lots of reference. might help to show ur texture for more specific advice. theres no "get better at texturing in 5 minutes" secret that anyone on here can tell you. Even the best painters will tell you...paint for years...that's the secret.
  • Fwap
    Offline / Send Message
    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    If you have the dosh, https://www.3dmotive.com/f101801 this is a really good start.
  • katana
    Offline / Send Message
    katana polycounter lvl 14
    Do some color theory studying first. then learn to paint in values (grey-scale). If you can paint a 2d canvas to accurately represent 3 dimensionality, you'll be halfway there. Then take on color.

    Just do a simple shield or weapon in the beginning, anything more will be more daunting.

    And yes, the Tyson Murphy stuff is a great place to start.

    The rest is just practice.
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