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Mutilation of limbs (beheading and chopping off limbs) - Animation Help

polycounter lvl 10
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sinchross polycounter lvl 10
I'm working in a game animation that is pre rendered in 3ds Max

I need to render each piece of cloth and body apart from another. I am using biped and saving a lot of animations in a .bip file.

But I need render some animations of death such then player cutting off arms or heads of the enemy.

So, I don't know If exist some way to this work easily... To separate the geometry of the clothes/armor and body of a general way... because I have a lot of geometry to render apart from the body...

If you have some solution, please give me a tip for help me on doing this.


  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    You can't use Biped to animate heads/arms falling off. You've got a couple of options.

    1. Use a custom rig instead of Biped.
    2. Skin your objects to Helpers that are constrained to the Biped. Then at the frame the limb needs to be cut of animate the constrain to a controller object that doesn't follow the biped.
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