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Invisible hat (help pls)


So, main idea to make something like this:
I've made LOD 0-1 models (in 3d max 12), texture, normal, and 2 masks. Successfully imported with 1st try...but there is no model in window. I've checked 3 guides, and find nothing wrong. I did all same - normals, pivot in zero, export settings. Then i tried this:
then i saw this:
So, whats the problem with it?


  • t1mu
    Offline / Send Message
    t1mu polycounter lvl 8
    check your texture's alpha channel. it should not be completely white.
  • Dworfkin
    t1mu wrote: »
    check your texture's alpha channel. it should not be completely white.
    Like this?
  • Reza
    Offline / Send Message
    Reza polycounter lvl 3
    have you positioned and boned it correctly?
  • belkun
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    belkun polycounter lvl 7
    I don't think you need a Alpha channel on the texture. Just delete it and export the texture as a 24bit TGA.
  • t1mu
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    t1mu polycounter lvl 8
    i said wrong. it should not be black. if these circles are your uv map, it seems ok.
  • Dworfkin
    Reza wrote: »
    have you positioned and boned it correctly?
    Just made it once again in new scene - import smd model and hat, position on model, reset xForm, pivot 0\0\0, skin to bone_hood. Nope, still not working. And i made normal size of hat - empty window. But if i increase size of it - it shows some of details. And from that it seems that hat positioned well. I wonder why it's not showing me whole 3d model.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    If you haven't tried it yet, import it under a new name. The importer sometimes gets stuck with old models/textures.
  • Dworfkin
    EmAr wrote: »
    If you haven't tried it yet, import it under a new name. The importer sometimes gets stuck with old models/textures.
  • Automedic
    Dworfkin wrote: »

    Awww look at that sad face.

    I don't really have a lot of experience with modelling but have you checked wether your faces are flipped? In some of your first pictures there are some blue and golden parts. Looks like the model and the textures are there, they just don't display properly.

    You could try replacing the hat with a simple base mesh (e.g. a cube) for testing purposes. If it still doesn't work you know at least that it doesn't have to do with the geometry.
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
  • Dworfkin
    Automedic wrote: »
    Awww look at that sad face.

    I don't really have a lot of experience with modelling but have you checked wether your faces are flipped? In some of your first pictures there are some blue and golden parts. Looks like the model and the textures are there, they just don't display properly.

    You could try replacing the hat with a simple base mesh (e.g. a cube) for testing purposes. If it still doesn't work you know at least that it doesn't have to do with the geometry.

    Thats just two models in same spot (high and low poly). Made as in guide - with Edit Normals - unify. Also played with it, just flipping all normals - even those small things around head are gone, so normals seems fine.

    Some1, pls give me screen of your export settings in Max.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    that's Max.

    reset xforms (rotate translate) never worked for me.

    Make a cube. Make it edit poly. Select and attach the hat to it. That resets to the cubes pivots which are unscaled/translated. Select polys and delete all cube faces.

    Now it is reset correctly and should be fine , you'll need to rekin.

    Also, you probably need to decompile the Keeper. The model on the site is old and I had many bugs with it.
  • Dworfkin
    Baddcog wrote: »
    that's Max.

    reset xforms (rotate translate) never worked for me.

    Make a cube. Make it edit poly. Select and attach the hat to it. That resets to the cubes pivots which are unscaled/translated. Select polys and delete all cube faces.

    Now it is reset correctly and should be fine , you'll need to rekin.

    Also, you probably need to decompile the Keeper. The model on the site is old and I had many bugs with it.
    But finally i got progress on it:
    Just made cube and it worked. But it seems that KotL's model is not right, cos it positions cube far from model (even with Baddcog's method).
    So, problem is in my model and model of KotL.
    Buy the way, cube is so small compare to Max scene - what unit setup do you use? Generic?
  • EmAr
    Offline / Send Message
    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Did you place the cube on his head in Max? If you did so, this can be a wrong up vector problem too. At least the part about the position of the cube...

    I'd try it with an unsymmetrical object. That way, you can see if it only moves there or also has an awkward rotation applied. The final output should have +Y as the up vector.

    You can try exporting the hat as obj and importing back to kill the transformations as well.

    Also, Baddcog has a good suggestion which is decompiling the game model. It may be well worth the labor in this case.
  • Dworfkin
    EmAr wrote: »
    Did you place the cube on his head in Max? If you did so, this can be a wrong up vector problem too. At least the part about the position of the cube...

    I'd try it with an unsymmetrical object. That way, you can see if it only moves there or also has an awkward rotation applied. The final output should have +Y as the up vector.

    You can try exporting the hat as obj and importing back to kill the transformations as well.

    Also, Baddcog has a good suggestion which is decompiling the game model. It may be well worth the labor in this case.
    Yep, right on his head.
    I use Y-up, as in exporting guide(and same export settings). Tried already. Saw thread in dev forum that this act helped some1, but not me.:(
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Also, it MAY be size.

    Been awhile since I messed with that. I messed with Kotl so long for the chinese update and got so burnt out I just bought ModoSE. Had these issues with Max for years in games that require Y-up.

    Made a full set of horse armor that was pretty cool but could never get alignment right.

    Anyway I did get the head and back pieces to export right from a decompile.

    Max scene Generic units, then import , export 2012 FBX, Z up, centimeters. (Looking at an old scene that I believe was correct)
    After days and days of trying eveything it just became a blur.

    Emar is right though, something like a cone is much better for testing, that way you can point it in a direction and at least see if the rotation is correct. (then you don't have to test that after the placement too.
  • Dworfkin
    Ughhh, got nightmare today with that hat.:(
    So, find out that i should not use xForm at all. 1st two pics i tested cone, but it start work only when i changed export units from auto to centimeters(or other meters). Again - i cant see model, only part. But, ive tested cube - edit poly-0\0\0-move poligons to head and u can see result. But when i change window it gets away.
  • Dworfkin
    So, any ideas why it takes not rounded surface well? Cos pyramid works same as cube. But cones not working.
  • Xajai
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    Xajai polycounter lvl 3
    You seem to have wasted a lot of time in this! I only have experience in Maya, but ive never had a problem like this. I'm sry if some of my ideas have been posted but im short on time and cant read the whole thread.
    -try freezing the transformations. when this is not done, at least in maya, weird stuff happens with the binding of the bones.
    -align your pivot to 0,0,0 it might not make a difference, but its better to be safe than sorry.
    -check that you didnt lock any attributes in your transform/move/rotate
    -be sure to export fbx 2012.

    if all of those fail, i think you should just download a trial version of some other 3d software and try binding there... id suggest maya, if you dont wanna do it, shoot me a msg, and i can try binding for you.
  • Dworfkin
    I dont know. Seems no1 got same problem. Same problem on other heroes.<br>Here is model(3ds max and fbx) pls help me with it

    Problem solved.
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