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Modular Race Track Kit - Mobile Optimized

polycounter lvl 15
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Polynurb polycounter lvl 15

The Modular Race Track Kit designed by and for game developers. It's designed from the ground up with mobile optimization in mind, so it can be used within mobile phone projects, tablet projects and or PC/Mac. The kit itself is completed, so there is no gamble waiting for it to be delivered at a future date. Backers will get the download link to this project and all bonuses as soon as I receive the email.

Drive around a sample track created with the kit (requires Unity webplayer plugin) :


And a bonus perk with the kit:
All (16) Low Poly Vehicles including (3) LODs for each.

LOD Information


And some samples of the included vehicles. These are all heavily optimized for mobile platforms.



  • Polynurb
    Offline / Send Message
    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
  • sushi
    nice work

    When will your kart game be released
  • DWalker
    The grass texture has noticeable banding effects, especially at intermediate distances. In the U-turn segments in your first image, for example, you can see a distinct set of rows at 45 degrees to the texture.

    The links in your chain link fence look very large and heavy. Taking a page from the old depth-cueing techniques, you could make the wires appear thinner by reducing their opacity. Most of the images I've seen of fences around race tracks show conventional (2-3") cells. When everything is moving, or from a moderate distance, a simple mostly transparent grey texture might actually look more realistic.

    Have you considered adding support for number decals, or at least varying the car colors?

    Adding different, seasonal terrain might help as well - e.g. white for winter, bright green for spring, and dirty yellow for fall.
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    @ sushi - Production is going well on Super Kart Racing, you can find video updates on the site for the game.

    @DWalker - Yeah you might see a bit of tiling if the camera is zoomed out medium to far distances. You don't notice a bit of tiling at ground level driving around. Developers are free to swap in their own textures if they like for any kind of grass, concrete, etc. The fence is intentionally fatter in cell width, I had a more realistic thin fence texture, but the moire patterning on it at distances was horrific. To get the alpha to look decent on mobile devices I had to thicken up the alpha channel and sacrifice a bit of realism for decent visuals. These mobile phones just don't do transparency at distances very well. The car colors can be easily changed in the texture or in Unity. It's a slider adjustment in Unity and in PS it's a simple color picker for the color overlay on the car body. Super easy, no point in creating a bunch of redundant textures.
  • Polynurb
  • Polynurb
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    Polynurb polycounter lvl 15
    Now included with this pack, is another full pack. The complete city pack! You'll get this entire pack alongside the Low Poly Car Pack + Modular Race Track Kit. This new pack will allow you to fully populate massive cities. These assets are meant to be versatile for both webplayer and mobile projects. They could be used for first person zombie apocalypse games, an overhead RTS-style game, a flight simulation/military aircraft combat game and my personal favorite - car racing games!

    Currently the asset kit contains 155 unique elements. These are a combination of "clean" looking versions and "destroyed" or worn out versions. The textures are in PSD, PNG and TGA formats. They range in size from 128 x 128 pixels to 512 x 512 pixels. The 3d models are FBX file format.





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