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UE4 New Scale Issue

I was bringing in content from a Unreal 3 environment into a new enviro I'm creating in UE4. When I started to walk around and testing the level I realized how small a lot of my assets had looked. Mistake on my part not to read all the documentation on how UE4 scale has changed from what it was in UE3 1cm = 2uu to what it is now in UE4 1cm = 1uu. That being said, would it be wise to re scale all my meshes to match the new playable character height (which is 192uu compared to the old one 96uu in UE3) in UE4, so if I want to show off my level to a employer and thye want to see a 1st person character walk around in the environment the level looks good as of scale. The only part that makes me not want to go back and take the time to re scale all my meshes is because I already have the majority of them completed and it would be quite time consuming to go back and take the time to re scale everything. Also, being focused as a environment artist my level is more aimed to have a fly though camera go around and show off all the key shots and focal points, not as much as a playable level, even though it could be, that was not my intention of finalization when I show it off when finished. Excuse the blabbing, just wondering if you guys had any input on the route I should take, to re scale or continue as is.


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