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Unity - Flowing Cloud Models?

polycounter lvl 17
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Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
And my inexperience rears its head.

The environments in my current project consist of floaty chunks of land. After looking at a bunch of stuff for reference, I found a picture that made me want to surround said chunks with a surface of flowing clouds, just so:


The only issue is that I have no idea how I'd accomplish this, especially in Unity. The only thing I could think of was displacement maps, but Unity can't do those, and even then it'd probably be way too system-intensive.

Sculpted clouds look decent, but they're static, so that's a no-go. I could have multiple layers on spheres or something that would rotate around via animation, but that seems like it'd be a lot of geometry to have on screen at one time.

Scrolling textures are all well and good, but without the model moving along with them, it just looks off.

I don't think I could get the effect with particles, as that would require a huge amount, which would also be quite intensive.

Anyone have any ideas?


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