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D3 Fan Art (3D)

Hi all, thanks for stopping by my thread. It's been a while... I normally would just post this in my sketchbook, but I've decided to put this here to get some useful comments and critiques.

I'm using a concept by Victor Lee. I've got a decent start so far, but still have a ways to go. The rock ruins are nearly done, I may do another pass on those. I wanted to nail the larger forms of the tree, next will be getting some of the finer details.


Once the sculpt is done, I'll need to create game ready meshes for each piece and start texturing. I'll also need to create some foliage textures, and plan out my presentation for this prop. In the end, it will all go in either UDK or U4.

Let me know what you guys think, comments and critiques always welcomed!


  • Cremuss
    Offline / Send Message
    Cremuss polycounter lvl 12
    Hi ! Weee a Diablo 3 fan art :) I've seen this concept a lot and I still love it :) so cool !

    Overall I think you nailed the proportions although I think the entrance is supposed to be in a V shape like that : \_/ but yours looks like that from the preview image : |_|

    Otherwise I think the sculpt is very blobby... It doesn't feel like it's cracked stone, it looks almost melted and organic right now. I suggest you rework those edges so everything looks sharp and a bit cartoony. Also, the cracks doesn't work for me. The are like 1pixel wide which is usually not a good thing with handpainted cracks. You should exaggerate them and vary the width.

    Keep it up ! I'm looking forward to see the rest :)
  • Stockwell
    I have a total soft spot for D3 Art work, and I love the chosen piece. I have to agree with everything Cremuss said, but by no means would restarting this piece or even just re-sculpting be a bad thing, your first time will never yield your best result as I've learned.

    The one thing that I am always super nit picky about with these kinds of "vignette props" is scale, proportion and silhouette. I think restarting a base model here and really nailing that would help, the most important of what i'm talking about would be what Cremuss said about the doorway, and the same could be said from a top down view.

    Your doorway: |_|
    Cremuss' Critique: \_/

    +1 that...

    but also looking from topdown on your doorway and stairs,

    Your Topdown: |_|
    Concept Topdown: \_/

    I really think nailing that would be your overall best chance at making this a killer piece.

    As far as the sculpting, Cremuss has already said everything I'd want to, but redoing another base mesh, and taking his advice into another sculpt will only create a better result for you!

    Keep going!
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