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Time for some PC upgrades, need some recommendations.

polycounter lvl 8
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electronic-fox polycounter lvl 8
I've been using the same PC for nearly 3 years now, it was built as a budget PC for my game art studies at university and it holds its own fairly well.

It is now, however, showing its age and limitations a little with some of the freelance work I've been getting and I want to start upgrading it piece by piece.

My current specs are as follows:

motherboard: Gigabyte m68mt-2sp

AMD Athlon II x4 645 (3.1GHz)
8GB Ram
ATI Radeon HD 5770

2 monitors (1600x900)

I dont have a budget figured out yet, but the first set of upgrades I probably want to spend around £300 ($500-ish), and see as much improvement as I can with this.

Primarily I use Maya, Zbrush and Photoshop, I also use this PC for gaming semi-regularly.

So I'd like to see what you guys and girls would recommend for my first set of upgrades on this machine. Over the next couple months I do plan to eventually replace all the hardware, but for now its just what I can fit in that budget that'd make the most difference.

Thanks in advance.


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