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Martin Palko - Portfolio Feedback

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M.Palko polycounter lvl 4
Hey, I've been working on getting my portfolio up to snuff for a long while, and I think I'm almost there, but I'd really like some feedback on what you guys think of it.

I'm looking for feedback on everything from the site layout, content, colors, or if I've just made a dumb spelling mistake somewhere.

Anywho, my site is www.MartinPalko.com. All feedback is greatly appreciated!


  • Lavitz
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    Lavitz polycounter lvl 12
    Looks great, I specifically like the simplicity of having all of your work displayed on one page, instead of how some artists will split up into categories (Vehicles, character, WIP, etc).
    I like the colors too, reminds me of Zbrush so it's familiar to me =)

    I wish I had some sort of feedback, but it looks great to me.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I'd choose a different picture for the thumbnail for your Angkor Wat-like ruins. A lot of people are really tired of that look for temples.
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Great work, great layout...kudos man!
  • DWalker
    While I understand you didn't make the textures for the last two projects, I'd still change the banners to include the textured version.

    Include your name & contact information on your images; potential employers & other viewers might view them offline.

    If possible, include links to the actual game or company websites.

    Your maps are really more appropriate for a level-designer than an artist. I know the line can become blurred, especially at smaller companies, but for most there's a fair distinction between those who create the assets and those who place them into the game.
  • M.Palko
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    M.Palko polycounter lvl 4
    @ZacD: Yea, the temple is very stereotypical, I want to replace it with another environment piece, but I don't have one finished right now, so I've just moved it down closer to the bottom until I can replace it.

    @DWalkeR: I've replaced the previews for the bottom two with ingame/concept images from the games, and it definitely looks better, It was something I was on the fence about doing for awhile. I've also added watermarks to all the images (again something I was meaning to do for awhile) and added links in the project descriptions to the projects and companies they were for.

    Thanks for the feedback, and keep it coming!
  • Havoc89
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    Havoc89 polycounter lvl 11
    Hey Martin,

    You have a pretty strong foundation on your folio. The layout is simple, your work is displayed in a clean and easy to view manner which is all fantastic. The only major things I can think of is to cut down on un-necessary projects, and to also tailor your portfolio towards the job that you want.

    I say cut out the VCTF map as it does not really showcases your capabilities. Your Sub base map does a much better job at showing off your ability to set dress and fill up a scene.

    You can also combine the two Isotx pages into a single page and seperate them with the current banners in single page. No need to separate out every project.

    Right now there is a bit of uncertainty as to what your site is saying about your preference in role. The UDK and RO2 maps suggest level design/set dressing. The Isotx games, primal carnage and renegade x games suggest that you're more of a 3D generalist, while full throttle and the tutorials suggests more of a technical art side.

    I think the best thing to do is to figure out what kind of job you want to have and work towards tailor making your site to imply such a thing. Its not a bad thing to be versatile, but for juniors making it into the industry, it can be very tough to find a job as a versatile individual. You can eventually grow to becoming a professional who is versatile, but it will be difficult to get your first job as companies are usually looking for people whom are very good at a very specific task, and it is not to say that they don't want you to do anything else, generally companies do like people who take initiative, however when they are looking for a specific person to recruit, they want to see a specific portfolio.

    Hope that helps, I also hope I'm not talking non-sense, but I know how you feel because it is natural to show off every part of your skill set, but that can also lead to lots of struggles.
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