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INT -Modeler Needed

My name is Justin and I am the Project Lead for an upcoming indie game named INT. Currently, I am only looking for an interested 3D modeler who knows Unity to assist our current modeler in building environmental props, objects, and characters.

Our game will be single-player and mostly sold online through our website and Steam (we plan on doing a greenlight).

We will use profit sharing as a way to pay team members. Once we release the game we will begin to make more revenue which will be split and some portion will go to the LLC. It is my hope that we will eventually make enough to hire on our current team in entirety.

Our first game is going to be called INT and is being developed as you read this. Already we are close to 1/3rd of the way done with the game. Now this initial project is part one of two. Our plan is to release a short game play demo (1/3rd done –almost) and use that for a marketing campaign to secure funds for the core game development. Those funds will be split among team members as well to pay for a one and half year development cycle.

INT is a top-down, party formation game, in the style of Icewind Dale or Baldur’s Gate. You assemble a party, explore the world, and interact with bosses. The themes of the game include: Sci-Fi, Roguelike, Western, and of course RPG elements. In case you are wondering INT is short-hand in our universe for Interstellar.

Currently I am looking for a 3D modeler who knows unity to assist our current unity modeler and art lead in developing functioning 3D models and unwraps.
If you are interested in joining our development team (14 plus members) then please email me and visit our forums.

Or Skype: INTgame Justin

Note* Just because this is an indie project doesn’t mean it won’t be worth it. You will gain experience and when we launch if all goes well you will get paid both in the fundraising process and game revenue process.


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