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Croc, Legend of the ....yobbos

polycounter lvl 4
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Ave polycounter lvl 4
Hey peeps.

So every Friday i try to do kind of a fanboy sculpt for a combination of fun and practice. Recently i've been taking game icons from the 90's and making them darker/grittier for a laugh with the dudes on the polycount ghangout.

Here was the result of last friday (still in the process of retopo/texturing if you were wondering where the finished plant is).

Here is the result of this friday:


A small number of you might remember the awesome Croc games from the 90s, but if you don't - this is what the original croc/player enemy looked like: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/149/2/e/Croc_legend_of_the_gobbos_by_Uncka.jpg

Would appreciate any C&C you can chuck at me - especially regarding rendering/presenting work - its definitely a weak point for me. I'm not sure what my plan is for this guy yet :)



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